Data Protection And Privacy Laws: An Indian PerspectivePandey, ShraddhaJournal of Positive School Psychology
We need to pay attention to data protection laws Anonymisation is part of the solution to protecting Anonymisation is part of the solution to protecting privacy, but privacy, but ––Research is still needed Research is still needed ––This is not only a technical problem; a technical solut...
A heightened risk for cyberattacks and data breaches calls for companies to remain diligent as they navigate a patchwork of federal, state, local and sector-specific privacy and data protection laws, regulations and guidance. For Financier Worldwide, Mar
Dozens of laws, regulations, statutes and other guidance have been issued ondata protectionand privacy by the federal government, many states and local municipalities over the past several years. Considering the growing pressure on business leaders to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availabilit...
Businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of having a strong data privacy compliance programme, but even the most conscientious company can make a false step as it captures, uses, transfers and discloses personal information. And the consequenc
Other federal laws that govern the collection of information online include: The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which governs the collection of information about minors The Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA), which governs the collection of health information The...
we are responsible for making sure it is used in accordance with applicable data protection laws (in certain jurisdictions, we may not be called a “controller” under the applicable laws, but the legal essence is the same. For example, in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the concep...
Data privacy and protection is absolutely fundamental to all types of organisation due to the increasing threat of malicious hackers with the ability to leverage and monetise information. Multi-national organisations face a web of complex and conflicting laws and regulations surrounding the collection, ...
The challenge for anyone with data from the Asia Pacific region is the ever-expanding number of countries initiating data protection/cybersecurity requirements in the region, many of which are similar, but different in important ways, to the EU’s data p
Privacy and Publication generally never go together. But this publication is a must for every privacy lover. Meticulous compilation of data privacy laws by the DLA Piper team. Raghu Raman Lakshmanan, General Counsel HCL America, Inc. DLA Piper's Data Protection Laws of the World Handbook is an...