actdata保护法protectionconsentrecordings DataProtectionAct1998 UniversitySecretary’sOffice TheActobligesyouto: Collectinformationaboutpeopleonlywiththeirpermission,unlessthereisalegalreasontodoso Showindividualstheinformationitholdsaboutthemiftheyrequestit Beverycarefulwhengivingthisinformat...
Federal Trade Commission also investigating Chinese video app over potential breaches of act outlawing ‘unfair practices’ Save June 17 2024 Europe Express EU ministers to vote on contested nature protection rules Premium content Also in this newsletter: Why Sweden wants to tilt the balance betwee...
Data protection Act 1998 Data protection act was revised in 1998 and was put into force in March of 2000. The new act changes original definitions and meanings and broadens the scope of the original act. There are eight principles again, but these are altered in form from those of the 1984...
While it is commendable that the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (‘PDPA’) was finally passed by the Malaysian parliament after a long wait of a decade, the PDPA has received several criticisms due to its peculiar limitations. This chapter addresses many of these limitations and draws comparat...
While many U.S. state laws provide privacy protection for the residents of the relevant state, the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) is a bipartisan bill that is set to become the first comprehensive federal privacy legislation that protec
I recently had the pleasure of conducting a panel discussion with senior KPMG partner Lee Ser Yen, discussing the newly amended Singaporean Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), and the impact which the changes to the Act will have on businesses across th
The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) does not apply to Federal and State Governments; non-commercial transactions; personal, family and household affairs; credit reference agencies; personal data processed outside of Malaysia (unless the data is intended to be further processed in Malaysia).The ...
On 3 July 2020, Germany’s Federal Parliament, the Bundestag, passed the Patient Data Protection Act or Patientendaten-Schutz-Gesetz (PDSG). It entered into force less than four months later, on 20 October 2020. The PDSG is part of a push for the digitalization of the German health...
As defined under the Philippines’ Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. 10173), We, “Acer Philippines, Inc.” or “Acer”, are liable for ensuring data privacy of individuals and the protection of personal information that you provide to us thru online and offline transactions. By clicking the...
Most processing of personal data is subject to the UK GDPR. TheData Protection Act 2018deals with processing that is not subject to it, such as by law enforcement and security service agencies. It also provides some of the conditions and exemptions in relation to processing under the UK GDPR...