Data Protection Act (DPA)One of the goals of the DPA, among others, is to protect the fundamental rights, freedoms, and interests of data subjects as ensured by the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria.Are you subject to the DPA? Nigeria’s DPA applies to: (1) the data controller or data proce...
Data Protection Bill 2021, section 30, 10. Data Protection Regulation 2022, section 35 11. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and...
The first one was passed into law on 25 May 2018 as the new Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1781 (“PDPA”), while the second one was passed into law on 4 May 2019 as the Act on amendments to sectorial acts accompanying the GDPR of 21 ...
The main laws that apply to the handling of data about individuals are the Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”), the Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information (“CIA”) and the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information (“LIA”). ...
Physical distancing, face masks, and eye protection to prevent person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet. 2020;395(10242):1973–87. Article CAS Google Scholar Islam N, Sharp SJ, Chowell G, Shabnam S, Kawachi I, Lacey B, ...
Technology Access, Inclusive Growth and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria: Evidence from Error Correction Modeling Approach. Zagreb Int Rev Econ. 2019;22:1–21. Article Google Scholar Ji X, Wang K, Xu H, et al. Has digital financial inclusion narrowed the urban-rural income gap: The role of ...
Protection Act. Zagaris discussed U.S. charges against 30 Chinese police officers for operating an illegal police station in the U.S. Plachta discussed the UN Special Rapporteur’s critical appraisal and recommendations following her visit to Guantanamo. Zagaris discussed the UN Working Group on ...
Similarly, under India’sDigital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, the government has replaced the word harm with “any detrimental effect on the well-being of a child.” While previously proposed versions of the law listed specific harms such as — bodily or mental injury, loss or theft of...
However, in 2020, the Bank of Lao PDR issued the Decree on Consumer Protection Concerning Financial Services. Like the Law on Commercial Banks, enacted in 2023, the decree reiterates the importance of financial service providers (e.g. commercial banks) protecting their customer’s confidential info...
Eric-Jan Manders, in Health Information Exchange (Second Edition), 2023 Data exchange In 2021 the focus for PEPFAR program in Nigeria was on client-centered care. This goal was driven by activities including continuity in HIV treatment, and viral suppression; and are enabled by near-...