In the UK, the Data Protection Act has taken a more liberal approach in recognizing the situation that personal data of [...] 英國的《資料保障法令》對未 經第三者同意而披露他們的個人資料的情 況採取較開放的態度,只要在個案的所有情況下是合理的話,資料控制 者... Ms Felicia Cai) For more information about the Personal Data Protection Act 2012, please visit the Personal Data Protection Commission’s website at
In the first part of this paper, I will present and explain the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act ("PDPA") in the context of legislative developments ... G Aad,B Abbott,J Abdallah,... - 《Computer Law & Security Review the International Journal of Technology Law & Practice》 被引量...
(e)Israel:Protection of Privacy Law; (f)Japan:Act on the Protection of Personal Information; (g)Mexico:Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations; (h)Singapore:Personal Data Protection Act 2012; ...
The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) is the main data protection law of the United Kingdom (UK). It brings the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) into UK law. Any business operating in the UK, whether it is from the...
1.目的:Data Protection Act 2018的目的是确保个人数据的合理使用和保护。它旨在落实欧洲联盟的《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)并提供附加的规定和指导。 2.数据主体权利:该法律赋予个人对其个人数据的一些基本权利,包括访问、更正、删除和限制处理等。个人还有权利知晓他们的数据被如何处理以及有关数据处理活动的详细信息。
April 2021 VOL.44 Amendments to Singapore's Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) – 1 February 2021 Introduction Aimed at strengthening Singapore's data privacy regime, the Singapore Parliament passed major changes to the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) on 2 November 2020. This brings the law...
While many U.S. state laws provide privacy protection for the residents of the relevant state, the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) is a bipartisan bill that is set to become the first comprehensive federal privacy legislation that protec
Navigate Brazil's General Personal Data Protection Act (LGPD) compliance. TrustArc's solution can help you above compliance quickly and easily.