With multiple comprehensive data privacy laws enacted and many more in progress, staying on top of the U.S. data privacy landscape is becoming more and more challenging. We're here to help.Learn About Each State Data Privacy in the U.S. A State-by-state Landscape The United States doesn...
The interplay of these laws with HIPAA, and related developments in the consumer health data space. The webinar,"U.S. Consumer Health Data Privacy Laws in 2024: Washington’s My Health My Data Act and Related State and Federal Developments,"is...
James Vincentis a senior reporter who has covered AI, robotics, and more for eight years at The Verge. Apple CEO Tim Cook has called for new digital privacy laws in the United States, warning that the collection of huge amounts of personal data by companies is harming society. ...
There are several UAE federal level laws that contain various provisions in relation to privacy and the protection of personal data: United Arab Emirates Constitution of 1971; Federal Law 31 of 2021, on the Issuance of the Crimes and Penalties Law (“UAE Criminal Law”); Federal Decree Law ...
Since the United States’ first comprehensive consumer privacy law, the California Consumer Privacy Act, became operative, a number of other states have followed suit. Comprehensive consumer privacy laws are now also operative in Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia, and similar laws in Iowa, ...
U.S. Data Privacy Laws Despite numerous proposals over the years, no one comprehensive federal law governs data privacy in the U.S. yet. In the meantime, individual states have acted rather than wait on the federal government. There's a complex patchwork of sector-specific and medium-specific...
What Are Student Data Privacy Laws in the U.S. and Canada? In the U.S. and Canada, several key laws and regulations that address student data privacy are administered and enforced by national education departments. Here are some of the most widely recognized federal ones: United States: Fa...
The United States is trying to catch up with global data privacy laws passed in recent years. While the European Union (EU) passed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which went into effect in 2018, the U.S. has not been able to pass its version called the American Data Privac...
There has been no shortage of data privacy laws enacted in the past few years. The one that has received the most attention is the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in force since 25 May 2018. In the United States, California and Maine have passed new laws with the promise ...
California lawmakers passed one of the toughest data privacy laws in the United States today, as they faced pressure from an even stronger ballot measure in the state. The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 is set to dramatically change how businesses handle data in the most populous state...