DATA privacyEUROPEAN UnionGENERAL Data Protection Regulation, 2016DATA protection lawsPERSONALLY identifiable informationTHIRD-party logisticsThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the leading countries and the initiator of enacting systems that respect and preserve the sanctit...
Online privacy Key contacts Data protection laws in Albania On 19 December 2024, the Parliament of the Republic of Albania passed Law No. 124/2024, titled “On Personal Data Protection” (the “Data Protection Law”) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Albania No. 9, dated 17 January...
In an era where data is as valuable as gold, the introduction of the Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) by Saudi Arabia marks a significant milestone in the Middle East's approach to data privacy and security. Implemented through Royal Decree M/19 on September 17, 2021, and subsequent...
Key definitions in the Saudi Personal Data Privacy Law While some specific terminology in the PDPL may look different from other privacy laws, this may be a function of translation, and the definitions themselves are largely standard. How the PDPL defines adequacy list The regulatory body prepar...
Regulator: The Saudi Data & Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA). Summary: The PDPL was published in the Official Gazette on 24 September 2021 and marks the introduction of Saudi Arabia's first data protection law. The PDPL aims to ensure the privacy of personal data, regulate data shari...
personal data privacy protection and to comply with applicable data protection and privacy laws. We may transfer your information if it is necessary to perform our contract with you and by providing details to Standard Chartered Bank via this Web Site you are deemed to consent to any other ...
We provide businesses with full service data protection and privacy advice, enabling clients to focus precious resources on other business needs.
Australia regulates data privacy and protection through a mix of Federal, State and Territory laws. The federal Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) ("Privacy Act") and the Australian Privacy Principles ("APPs") contained in the Privacy Act apply to private sector entities (including body corporates, partnersh...
Regional Legislative and Regulatory Developments: 2023 saw the introduction and coming into force of new data protection laws in the Middle East. We also saw the uptake of some regulators’ enforcement. Notable developments include: Saudi Arabia‘...
And how should Chinese-funded enterprises comply with Saudi laws in their operations? The AIWON legal team will provide a detailed explanation on data compliance issues in Saudi Arabia. 四、数据转移 TRANSGER 根据《个人信息保护暂行条例》(简称“PDPIR”)的相关规定,数据的控制者只有在获得了相关监管机...