The reshape package is available on CRAN and can be installed using the R command install.packages("reshape"). This section will work through some techniques using the reshape package with an example data set (french fries). The data is from a sensory experiment investigating the effect of dif...
One can Installwooldridgedirectly from Github or The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Recent additions to the data set has bumped the dependency up toR >= 3.5.0. # 7th edition on CRAN install.packages("wooldridge") # 7th edition remotes::install_github("JustinMShea/wooldridge") ...
janitor has simple functions for examining and cleaning dirty data. It was built with beginning and intermediate R users in mind and is optimized for user-friendliness. Advanced R users can already do everything covered here, but with janitor they can do it faster and save their thinking for ...
SPSS favours this method for repeated-measures tests (such as repeated-measures ANOVAs or paired t-tests), and being able to move between the two formats is helpful when multiple people are working on a single dataset but using different packages (e.g., R vs SPSS). Get in Shape! The ...
Indeed, much of the code in the base and recommended packages in R is written in this way—the bulk of the code is in R but a few core pieces of functionality are written in C, C++, or FORTRAN. The type of code that benefits the most from this involves loops over data vectors. ...
Loading your data into R with rio packagesThe rio package is a relatively recent R package, developed by Thomas J. Leeper, which makes data import and export in R painless and quick.This objective is mainly reached when rio makes assumptions about the file format. This means that the rio ...
R packages have a 10MB size limit, at least onCRAN. BioconductorExperimentHubmay be able to support larger data packages. Sharing large volumes of raw data in an R package format is still not ideal, and there are public biological data repositories better suited for raw data: e.g.,GEO,SRA...
R programming basics Getting help with functions in R programming Installing and using R packages Next chapters Importing data into R Exporting data from R Infos This analysis has been performed using R (ver. 3.2.3). Enjoyed this article? I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by...
# Loading a built-in R data # Most used R built-in data sets # mtcars: Motor Trend Car Road Tests # iris # ToothGrowth # PlantGrowth # USArrests # Summary #R comes with several built-in data sets, which are generally used as demo data for playing with R functions. ... 10 查看R语言函数源代码 R语言是一个开源的软件和平台 研读R源代码,是一种有效提升R语言能力的好办法 查看源代码的常用方式 方式一:直接写函数名 方式二:page函数 用记事本查看 ...