Nulling out. This is a simple masking strategy where a data field is assigned a null value. This method has limited usage as it tends to fail the application’s logic. Substitution. Original data is substituted by fake, but realistic values. Meaning that the new value still needs to satisfy...
Data tokenizationsubstitutes sensitive data with a value (token) that is meaningless, and the process can't be reversed. However, the token can be mapped back to the original data. The token has no meaning outside the system that creates it and links it to other data. This technique is ...
Shuffling— means changing the order of digits in a number or code that does not necessarily have a meaning. Blurring— involves adding a different number, while remaining in the general vicinity of the original number. For example, changing the amount of funds in a bank account to a random...
The general intention is that Data – whose underlying structure is unknown – is fed into the basal layer and, as output from this iteratively become input to higher layers, meaning – i.e. a structure to the input Data – begins to emerge. The general concept is that complicated ...
Nulling—replacing original values with a symbol that represents a null character, for example, ###-###-###-9887 for a credit card number. Repeatable masking—replacing a value with another, random value, but ensuring that the original values are always mapped to the same replacement values....
DicomTag.BloodSignalNulling 0x00189022 DicomTag.TagSpacingFirstDimension 0x00189030 DicomTag.GeometryOfKSpaceTraversal 0x00189032 DicomTag.SegmentedKSpaceTraversal 0x00189033 DicomTag.RectilinearPhaseEncodeReordering 0x00189034 DicomTag.TagThickness 0x00189035 DicomTag.PartialFourierDirection 0x00189036 DicomTag...
BloodSignalNulling Field BluePaletteColorLookupTableData Field BluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor Field BoardingPassID Field BodyPartExamined Field BodyPartThickness Field Bold Field BolusDescription Field BolusID Field BoneThermalIndex Field BorderDensity Field Borders Field BottomRightHandCor...
Nulling Out Temperature Errors The ADT7466 automatically nulls out temperature measurement errors due to series resistance, but systematic errors in the temperature measurement can arise from a number of sources, and the ADT7466 can reduce these errors. As CPUs run faster, it is more difficult to...
extension, with the same meaning of the italic letters, but in this case obs and ifo can have also the values V and V1, respectively, for Virgo data and we added the run name in the file names, so in this case ObservationRun is O2. The folders (or groups) included in the hdf ...
It hides exceptions and returns 0, meaning "everything is ok, query returned value 0". But that's incorrect. I don't think that swallowing exceptions is ok. Maybe we always need to rethrow exceptions from ExecuteReader()? [29 Jul 2010 12:19] Vladislav Vaintroub ...