Software Quality ControlTaghi M., Edward B., Wendell D.,, John P. "Data mining of software development databases", Software quality journal 9, 161-176, 2001.Data mining of software development databases - Khoshgoftaar, Allen, et al. - 2001...
Use el potente software de minería de datos, SAS Enterprise Miner, para crear modelos predictivos y descriptivos precisos con grandes volúmenes de datos.
Data Mining of Software Development DatabasesRaton, Boca
web mining, machine learning, statistics, business intelligence/customer intelligence, user modeling, information retrieval, databases, data warehousing, OLAP, data processing (ETL), e-metrics/measurement, parallel and distributed computation (two or more areas are preferred). ...
Hvantage Technologies USA, specialist of delivering enterprise & mobile software to manage, analyze and mobilize information for business intelligence, data ware housing, data mining and database management software services.
该主机运行一个特别编制的数据挖掘软件(Data-mining Software),从记录中筛选那些卡利集团成员拨打的电话。专家称这台 …|基于8个网页 2. 资料开采软件 资讯泛滥的潮流下又孕育了一个新工业:资料开采软件(data-mining software)。这些功能强大的程式,可对庞大的资料库加以 … ...
as well as exchanging and disseminating innovative and practical development experiences. The conference covers all aspects of data mining, including algorithms, software, systems, and applications. ICDM draws researchers, application developers, and practitioners from a wide range of data mining related ...
Data mining can help to mitigate the effects of asecurity breachby detecting data anomalies and addressing them as they occur. The Best Data Mining Tools In the past, companies relied on coding languages such as Python or R. Today, there are a number of software applications and tools that ...
Data mining can discover information hidden within valuable data assets. Knowledge discovery, using advanced information technologies, can uncover veins of surprising, golden insights in a mountain of factual data. Data mining consists of a panoply of powerful tools which are intuitive, easy to explain...
In this paper, we describe our past and current work in the domains of data mining, software engineering and programming language in addressing the discovery of software specifications with the goal of reduc- ing software costs and improving software dependability. 展开 ...