Indeed the output from the Mining process might be an Expert System. Whatever form the output takes, it is frequently the case that such information is really the specification for a new system that will use the knowledge gained to best advantage for the user and domain in question. New ...
There are scientific research projects using PyPOTS and referencing in their papers. Here is an incomplete list of them.@article{du2023pypots, title = {{PyPOTS: a Python toolbox for data mining on Partially-Observed Time Series}}, author = {Wenjie Du}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:...
【EI/Scopus检索】2024年第三届算法、数据挖掘和信息技术国际会议(ADMIT 2024) 2024 3rd International Conference on Algorithms, Data Mining, and Information Technology (ADMIT 2024) 【会议官网】: 【会议地点】:成都,中国 【会议日期】:2024年9月27-29日 *【出版与检索】: ★该...
Big Data (BD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) play a fundamental role in today’s economy that traditional economic models fail to capture. This paper presents a theoretical conceptualisation of the data economy and derives implications for digital gove
This paper analyzes the ethics of social science research (SSR) employing big data. We begin by highlighting the research gap found on the intersection bet
Veall (2000), "Data mining and the econometrics industry: comments on the papers of Mayer and of Hoover and Perez," Journal of Economic Methodology, 7(2), 211-216.Pagan, A., & Veall, M. (2001). Data mining and the econometrics industry: comments on the papers of Mayer and of ...
Big dataanalytics is intended to extract information from collected big data. Big data analytics includes two types of analysis: 1)data miningandmachine learning algorithms(clustering, regression, Bayesian networks, artificial neural networks (ANN),deep learning. 2) On-Line Analytic Processing (OLAP)...
The science of science has attracted growing research interests, partly due to the increasing availability of large-scale datasets capturing the innerworkings of science. These datasets, and the numerous linkages among them, enable researchers to ask a r
You can find more information here: If you decide to submit a manuscript within our collection, your contribution will be peer-reviewed and judged on originality, interest, ...
Regarding the first question, we see four main problems: there are issues with the publicly released data, with the code, lack of documentation, and unclear terms of use. These issues are listed below. The surveyed papers exhibit different constellations of the problems we listed. Not all of ...