Data mining concepts and techniques中文版.pdf,数据挖掘:概念与技术 韩家炜 Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques J. Han and M. Kamber Morgan Kaufmann 2000 目录 第一章 引言 8 1.1 什么激发数据挖掘?为什么它是重要的? 8 1.2 什么是数据挖掘? 10 1.3 数据挖掘—
系统标签: 中文版 mining concepts techniques data olap 数据挖掘:概念与技术韩家炜DataMining:ConceptsandTechniquesJ.HanandM.KamberMorganKaufmann2000.目录第一章引言...81.1什么激发数据挖掘?为什么它是重要的?...
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《Data Mining:Concepts and Techniques》作者:Jiawei Han , Micheline Kamber,国内翻译名《数据挖掘概念与技术》。英文第三版。 data_mining 2014-08-11 上传 大小:15.00MB 所需: 17积分/C币 立即下载 Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques.pdf
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques— Chapter 1 —— Introduction —Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques1SURESH BABU M ASST PROF IT DEPT VJITChapter 1. IntroductionData Mining: Concepts and Techniques2 Motivation: Why data mining? What is data mining? Data Mining: On what kind of data? Data...
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniquesprovides the concepts and techniques in processing gathered data or information, which will be used in various applications. Specifically, it explains data mining and the tools used in discovering knowledge from the collected data. This book is referred as the know...
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