四、挖掘多层关联规则 1.uniform support: 层间支持度相同,若祖先不频繁,则其后代也不频繁,可剪枝。 2.reduced support: 层间支持度递减,若祖先不满足本层最小支持度,其后代可能满足,若剪枝会丢失频繁项。
Data mining is the process of extracting useful information from the huge amount of data stored in the databases. Data mining tools and techniques help to predict business trends those can occur in near future. Association rule mining is an important technique to discover hidden relationships among...
Eclat算法就是使用垂直数据进行频繁项集的高效挖掘,下面以一个具体的实例出发,来帮助我们更好的了解算法的运行过程。 上图是一组水平格式下的事务数据集(本节所有图片来源:Data Mining : Concepts and Techniques (3rd Edition)),首先访问一次数据集,完成项垂直格式的转换,如下图所示: 接下来,通过取每对频繁项的T...
首先在http://www.rdatamining.com/data/titanic.raw.rdata上下载数据,并导入R中。 >load("~/titanic.raw.rdata")>apriori_data<-titanic.raw>head(apriori_data)ClassSexAgeSurvived13rdMaleChildNo23rdMaleChildNo33rdMaleChildNo43rdMaleChildNo53rdMaleChildNo63rdMaleChildNo>summary(apriori_data)ClassSe...
–Since Z is greater than 1.64, r is an interesting rule 11 . 3 250 5 . 6 50 5 . 3 5 23 30 ' 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 n s n s Z © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining 4/18/2004 ‹#› 2. Multi-level Association Rules Food Bread Milk Skim 2% Electronics Com...
Section 5: The extensions of association mining needed for intuitionistic fuzzy sets are described, in particular the required set cardinality used for association rule generation. The running example extended to fuzzy intuitionistic data is then used to illustrate the approach using the various metrics...
It demonstrates association rule mining, pruning redundant rules and visualizing association rules. The Titanic Dataset The Titanic dataset is used in this example, which can be downloaded as "titanic.raw.rdata" at the Data page.Pruning Redundant Rules In the above result, rule 2 provides no ...
The Graph View displays a graph of the association rules and the item sets as shown inFigure 1. The Rules View can display the rules in tabular or in textual form. The tabular view might contain the following columns: Rule Absolute support ...
Association rule mining is an important data analysis method that can discover associations within data. There are numerous previous studies that focus on finding fuzzy association rules from precise and certain data. Unfortunately, real-world data tends to be uncertain due to human errors, instrument...
What is Data Mining? Learn about meaning of data mining, its funtions, features, application, tools, data mining architecture, techniques and more.