1.期刊介绍及速览 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery(《Wiley跨学科评论:数据挖掘与知识探索》,以下简称WIREs DMKD)是Wiley出版社旗下的刊物,于1985年创刊。这本期刊的目…
SCI主推征稿:计算机二区SCI,《Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery》,因子7.8 SCI,中科院二区,JCR一区,因子7.8,计算机科学大类,英国期刊,Elsevier旗下;官网: Just a m…
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Data mining for imbalanced datasets: An overview[M]//Data mining and knowledge discovery handbook. Springer US, 2005: 853-867. This Machine Learning Project on Imbalanced Data Can Add Value to Your Resume 处理不平衡数据——基于UCI人口调查数据集(二)# 本文是处理不平衡数据系列之二,在上一篇文章...
Perspective paper (SDM 2023):Data-centric AI: Perspectives and Challenges Towards Data Science:What Are the Data-Centric AI Concepts behind GPT Models? 知乎解读:GPT模型成功的背后用到了哪些以数据为中心的人工智能(Data-centric AI)技术? 知乎回答:如何评价Meta/FAIR 最新工作Segment Anything?
Dr. Kevin (or Hua-Ping) Zhang is Ph.D supervisor from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT),and work as the director of NLPIR Lab. of Big Data Search and Mining in BIT. He is chiefsecretaryof Board of Intelligence MulitiLingual Information Processing (IMLIP), affiliated with Chinese Associa...
Liu, B., Ma, Y., Wong, C.: Improving an association rule based classifier. In: Zighed, D.,Komorowski, J., Zytkow, J. (eds.) Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. LNCS,vol. 1910, pp. 293–317. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2000) ...
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 4(4), 2000, 281-314.Sameer Agarwal, Barzan Mozafari, Aurojit Panda, Henry Milner, Samuel Madden, Ion Stoica. BlinkDB: Queries with Bounded Errors and Bounded Response Times on Very Large Data. EuroSys, 2013. 最近几十年,数据库负载已经被分为两类:(1)...
Data Miningis the process of discovering interesting patterns form massive amounts of data. As aknowledge discovery process, it typically involvesdata cleaning, data integration,data selection, data transformation, pattern discovery, pattern evaluation,andknowledge presenation.For the Information Explosion,...
Data Warehouse: Extract, Transform, Load, Metadata, Data Integration, Data Mining, Data Warehouse Appliance, Database Management System, Decision Support System by Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, and John McBrewster Oracle Data Warehouse Tuning for 10g by Gavin JT Powell ...