“Data mining and data visualization.” In Handbook of statistics , edited by C. R. Rao, E. J. Wegman, and J. L. Solka, Volume 24. Amsterdam: Elsevier.D.W. Scott, S.R. Sain, edited by C.R. Rao, E.J. Wegman, J.L. Solka, Data Mining and Data Visualization, Vol. 24 of ...
Data Mining and Data Visualizationfocuses on dealing with large-scale data, a field commonly referred to as data mining. The book is divided into three sections. The first deals with an introduction to statistical aspects of data mining and machine learning and includes applications to text analysi...
Exploring Data is a showcase of interactive data visualizations comprising topics like world aid flow, climate change, programming languages, football, Google knowledge graph relations, and Twitter networks.
(2002), Visualization and data mining of high-dimensional data, „Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems", vol. 60A. Inselberg, Visulaiztion and data mining of high dimensional data, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems , 60 (2002) 147–159....
数据挖掘(Data mining) – 从数据集中发掘特定模式或信息的过程 数据建模(Data modelling) – 使用数据建模技术来分析数据对象,以此洞悉数据的内在涵义 数据集(Data set) – 大量数据的集合 数据虚拟化(Data virtualization) – 数据整合的过程,以此获得更多的数据信息,这个过程通常会引入其他技术,例如数据库,应用程序...
This paper proposes an innovative use of data mining and visualization techniques for decision support in planning and regional-level management of Slovenian public health-care. Data mining and statistical techniques were used to analyze databases collected by a regional Public Heath Institute. We also...
·数据挖掘(Data Mining):通过算法和模型分析数据中的模式和趋势,提供有价值的洞察。 ·数据可视化(Data Visualization):将分析结果以图形和图表形式展示,帮助用户理解数据和做出决策。 1.3 机器学习与人工智能(Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence)
Visualization and data mining for high dimensional data. In Information Retrieval, pages 142-184. Springer, 2014.A. Inselberg, Visualization and data mining for high dimensional data, in: The data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, O. Mainon and L. Rokach, eds, Springer, New York, 2005...
数据可视化 Data Visualization 数据探索与分析 Data Exploration & Analysis 概率与统计 Probability & Statistics 数据库系统 Database Systems 数据结构和算法 Data Structures & Algorithms 数据挖掘 Data Mining 每个学校具体涉及的课程会有所不同,但是主要都围绕数据科学的五个不同阶段: ...
Data mining and data visualization The editors of this special handbook believe in the following idea: the most innovative and fruitful methodological advances in statistics come when brilliant individuals have to cope with questions related to new data structures. The pr... CR Rao,EJ Wegman,JL So...