这是基于 Arduino 的 8 通道热电偶数据记录器的设计。 它利用与 K 型和 T 型热电偶配合使用的 Analog Devices AD595 热电偶放大器。 8 个热电偶通道通过 ADG407B 差分多路复用器路由并馈入 AD595 放大器。 数据保存到 SD 卡,实时时钟提供计时功能。 您将需要从SdFat库从RTClib库到使用版本3线,SPI和Liquid...
A data logger is a device that captures sensor information and stores it for later use. It can use multiple sensors and collect data over time to record events, analyze for trends or help predict events. Using a microcontroller such as an Arduino is an excellent device to do this. In this...
This post shows how to create a temperature Arduino data logger. We’ll use the DHT11, a real time clock (RTC) module to take time stamps and the SD card module
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Logging data with an Arduino is old-hat for most Hackaday readers. However, [Patricia Beddows] and [Edward Mallon] had some pretty daunting requirements. Their sensors were going underground and underwater as part of an effort to study conditions underwater and in caves. They needed to be ...
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Using Arduino IDE 2.1.0, Windows 11 ... whether the DataLogger, Arduino, Windows 11 or my computer; I could not connect with even marginal constancy to the DataLogger. Every once in awhile it would stay connected and I manage to set the year and date once. Otherwise ... fail. I've...
This data logger lets you save data to files on any FAT16- or FAT32-formatted SD card easily from an Arduino, which can then be read by most plotting, spreadsheet, or analysis programs. The onboard real time clock (RTC) timestamps all your data with the current time, so that you kn...
external_interrupt);//If you are using a standard Arduino board (i.e. not a full ALog data logger)//and are not using the Arduino shield, you will have to set the proper pins for//the indicator LED (defaults to 9) and the SD card and RTC power (default to -1//to be inactive ...
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