point-to-point link (点对点链路) => 只有一个发送端和接收端 brodcast link (广播链路) => 可能同时存在多个发送端和接收端在同一个链路上通信 Introduction 多路访问问题(multiple access problem) 当在同一个通信链路上同时存在多个发送端和接收端的时候,他们之间要进行通信,由于同一时刻必然只有一个接收端和发...
Functionality of Data-link Layer Data link layer does many tasks on behalf of upper layer. These are: Framing Data-link layer takes packets from Network Layer and encapsulates them into Frames.Then, it sends each frame bit-by-bit on the hardware. At receiver’ end, data link layer picks u...
Some important issues related toData Link Layer: EthernetusesCSMA/CDwithbinary exponential backoffas multiple access control protocol, and stipulates the minimum frame length is 64 bytes. 以下代码,仅供娱乐。如能运行,纯属巧合。 1publicvoidtransmit() {2intcollisionCnt = 0;3booleansuccess =false;4Ran...
5:DataLinkLayer5a-1 Chapter5:TheDataLinkLayer Ourgoals: understandprinciplesbehinddatalinklayer services: errordetection,correction sharingabroadcastchannel:multiple access linklayeraddressing reliabledatatransfer,flowcontrol:done! instantiationandimplementationofvarious linklayertechnologies 5:DataLinkLayer5a-2 ...
Access Link Trunk Link Virtual LAN (VLAN)is a concept in which we can divide the devices logically on layer 2 (data link layer). VLAN Introduction VLAN(Virtual LAN)是组管理模式,虚拟构建一个包含多个host/station的组。包可以在同一个VLAN中的remote station和local bride之间传输。不同VLAN之间要区分...
linklayerservices:•errordetection,correction•FlowControl:–pacingbetweensenderandreceivers •multipleaccessprotocolsandLANs•linklayeraddressing•specificlinklayertechnologies:–Ethernet–hubs,bridges,switches–PPP–IEEE802.11LANs 数据链路层的模型 主机A 传输层协议 主机A 数据链路层协议 数据链路层协议 结...
The data link layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model actually consists of two sublayers: the Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer and the Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer. The MAC sublayer controls device interaction. The LLC sublayer deals with addressing and multiplexing. Physical addressing ...
1、Computer Networks1RoadmapIntroductionPhysical LayerData Link LayerTransport LayerNetwork LayerMedium Access SublayerApplication Layer2The Data Link LayerChapter 33Ch-3 The Data Link Layer3.1 Data Link Layer Design Issues3.2 Error detection and correction3.3 Elementary data link protocols3.4 Sliding 2...
which is the term for streams of data bits. In order for each data unit to be distinguishable from each other, the packets must be converted. The data link layer specifies the frame’s structure and the channel access protocol by which frames transmit over the link. Then, it then helps ...
Using the wizards in Visual Studio 2005 you can also define methods right in the typed DataSet class to select, insert, update, and delete data. Thus, you can avoid directly writing any ADO.NET code in the business or data access layer and instead use the wizards to add the ADO.NET ...