《数据湖架构-Data Lake Architecture》精简 声明:本文仅代表一家之言。 “单向”数据湖 业务用户对数据湖中数据感到一筹莫展,核心问题在于,湖中数据增长得越多,其分析难度也越大。因为数据被不断地推进湖中,分析报告却始终难产,这种规模可观的数据湖被戏虐为“单向”数据湖,数据只进不出。这样数据湖仅仅被当做...
HowToCreateADataLakeArchitecture What is a Data Lake? A data lake is a method of storing data within a system or repository, in its natural format, that facilitates the collocation of data in various schemata and structural forms, usually object blobs or files. A Tutorial on Data Lake Archit...
A modern data lake architecture provides rapid data access and analytics by having compute resources and storage objects internal to the data lake platform.
5. Technical Data Lake Architecture Proposal for Fish Farming Data-Driven Strategy With the emergence of data-driven strategies in many fields and the massive increase in the quantity of generated data by the fish farming domain, it is imperative to design a data lake architecture able to handle...
A data lake is a low-cost data storage environment designed to handle massive amounts of raw data in any format.
Object Storage/Data Lake This architecture usesOracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, a highly scalable and durable cloud storage, as the lake storage. Consider organizing your lake across different sets of buckets leveraging a medallion architecture (bronze, silver, gold) or other partitioning logi...
Azure Data Lake Storage将 Azure Blob 存储与 Data Lake 功能相结合,提供与 Apache Hadoop 兼容的访问权限、分层命名空间功能和增强的安全性,从而可实现高效的大数据分析。 Azure Databricks是一个统一的平台,你可以用它来处理、存储和分析数据并实现数据盈利。 它支持 ETL 流程、仪表板、安全性、数据探索、机器学习...
Data Lake Architecture A data lake can have various types of physical architectures because it can be implemented using many different technologies. However, there are three main principles that differentiate a data lake from other big data storage methods: ...
Data Storage Explained: Databases, Data Lakes, Warehouses, Lakehouses Data lake architecture This section will explore data architecture using a data lake as a central repository. While we focus on the core components, such as the ingestion, storage, processing, and consumption layers, it's impor...
Figure 15-184 Architecture As shown in the figure, DataArts Studio is based on the data lake base and provides capabilities such as data integration, development, and governance. DataArts Studio can connect to data lakes and cloud database services, such as MRS Hive and GaussDB(DWS). These ...