KONDISI VEGETASI DAN PANDUAN INISIASI RESTORASI EKOSISTEM HUTAN DI BEKAS AREAL KEBAKARAN BUKIT POHEN CAGAR ALAM BATUKAHU BALI (SUATU KAJIAN PUSTAKA) Forest fire in 1994 has destroyed some areas in Pohen's hill Batukahu nature reserve. Ecological restoration is needed to be initiated. To gain ...
Since Kalimantan is one of prone areas to fires in Indonesia, land/forest fire hazard mapping for the area is essential to provide early warning information. Methods on static fire hazard mapping have been established using geographic information system. Land/forest fire hazard mapping could be ...
We will be happy to serve you to provide help around ApaKataData 24/7 online Our Warrior Our fighters who dedicate themselves to serve you wholeheartedly Lukman Hakim CEO Handle all administrative and legal requirements, and do the best planning. Muhamad Taufik CTO Responsible for various matters...
Berdasarkan data Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) sebanyak 1.978 bencana alam dan non alam terjadi di Indonesia hingga tahun 2020 diantaranya bencana banjir dengan 748 peristiwa, bencana puting beliung dengan 527 kasus, tanah longsor 370 kasus dan kebakaran hutan dan lahan dengan 270 kasus...