在OCR相关任务中,Data Interpreter的平均完成率为0.85,比AutoGen和OpenInterpreter分别高出26.8%和70.0%。在需要多步骤和使用多模态工具/接口的任务中,如WPI、I2C和T2I,Data Interpreter是唯一能够执行所有步骤的方法。AutoGen和OpenInterpreter未能登录并获取ER任务的状态,导致完成率较低。Data Interpreter能够动态调整任务并...
Data Interpreter 通过结合基于置信度的自动验证(Automated Confidece-based Verification)策略,显著提升了其在数据科学问题解决中的推理能力。 ACV策略要求Data Interpreter在执行代码后生成验证代码并执行验证,根据执行验证结果校验任务和实现代码的一致性,类似于白盒测试流程。 在需要更严谨数值反馈的场景中,如使用LLM进行...
Data Interpreter: An LLM Agent For Data Science github.com/geekan/MetaG 摘要 基于大型语言模型(LLM)的智能体(Agent)已经展现出卓越的效果。然而,在一些数据科学场景中,LLM的表现可能受到影响,尤其是在需要实时数据调整、由于任务间复杂依赖性而需优化的情况下,以及识别逻辑错误以实现精确推理的能力方面。在本研...
which we use to talk to LM Studio, requires thisinterpreter.llm.api_base="http://localhost:1234/v1"# Point this at any OpenAI compatible serverinterpreter.chat
Data about Code Interpreter. Contribute to simonw/code-interpreter-data development by creating an account on GitHub.
Data Interpreter平替Devin Data Interpreter是MetaGPT的最新更新内容,它是一个强大的代理,能够解决广泛的现实世界问题。无论是机器学习、数学推理,还是开放任务,Data Interpreter都能够胜任。 和Devin 一样,Data Interpreter也可以编程,能够编写机器学习模型、进行数学推理、自动回复电子邮件、仿写网站、分析股票等等…… ...
Next, you’ll use a Zeppelin Notebook to quickly visualize trends in the data. Zeppelin Notebooks enable you to send queries and view the results in a number of different pre-defined charts. The Zeppelin Notebooks installed on Interactive Query clusters have a ...
function [sortIdx] = rastermapSort(shankDataToSort) % wrapper to convert to numpy array, call Rastermap, and then convert back to MATLAB array data = shankDataToSort.zScoredFiringRates; dataNdArray = py.numpy.array(data); pyrun("from rastermap import Rastermap") %load interpreter, import...
For concurrent data downloads, Rust avoids Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) issues Light weight; Rust has no dependencies on other technologies - for example JVM. As a result, the runtime installs quickly, and it doesn't drain extra resources (CPU, Memory) on the compute target Multi-...
Windowed interpreter %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft\PyForMLS\pythonw.exe For help with configuring a Python environment, see Managing Python environments in Visual Studio. PyCharm In PyCharm, set the interpreter to the Python executable installed. In a new project, in Settings, select Add Local. Enter...