1. 概述 数据集成 (Data Integration) 是指将不同来源的数据整合到一个统一的数据库或数据仓库中,以便进行数据分析和处理。数据集成可以帮助我们从不同的数据源中提取有用的信息,并将其整合到一个统一的视图中,…
ETL工具 — Data Integration (Kettle) 的下载安装配置 一、Data Integration(Kettle) 是基于java开发的一款软件,首先必须安装JDK。 1.下载JDK安装包,下载地址:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html 点击下载按钮进入下载界面 ,根据系统选择相应的版本下载。 2.下载后安装JDK,安装过...
ETL is one of the most popular and well-tested. This post will exploreETL dataintegration. First, we will give you a better sense of what it is and why it is important. In addition, we will also briefly touch upon some of the popular data integration alternatives to ETL. ...
Apatar Data Integration/ETL版本: BI商业智能工具 授权协议: 开发语言: 操作系统: 项目首页 项目文档 项目下载 0 Apatar是一个开源的数据抽取、转换、 装载(ETL)项目。模块化的架构。提供可视化的Job设计器与映射工具,支持所有主流数据源,提供灵活的部署选项(GUI,Server Engine或embedded)。 相关项目 Apatar...
Data integration and ETL are two important concepts in the field of data management and analysis. They both involve the process of bringing data from multiple sources together and making it available for further analysis and use. However, there are some key differences between the two. Reading th...
Kettle(Pentaho Data Integration)8.2的简单使用 Kettle(Pentaho Data Integration)是一个开源的ETL工具,全称为KDE Extraction, Transportation, Transformation and Loading Environment。是以Java开发,支持跨平台运行。 这里使用它来帮助我们导入将Excel中的数据导入到mysql中 ...
“Honda has been seeking to achieve dealer network integration for the last ten years. With the help of ETL Solutions, this has finally been achieved. Considering the success, Honda is now planning to extend this approach to the European dealers.” Michael Doyle, Honda UK...
数据集成 Data Integration是阿里云对外提供的安全、低成本、稳定高效、弹性伸缩的数据同步平台,属于DataWorks的核心能力之一,致力于提供复杂网络环境下、丰富的异构数据源之间高速稳定的数据移动及同步能力。 立即开通产品控制台 产品文档产品价格独享资源产品社区
Etlworks is a modern, cloud-first, any-to-any data integration platform that scales with the business. Try it free.
How does data integration work? Learn about the pros and cons of data integration and what it can do for your business.