使用.iloc索引(按位置选择) importpandas as pdimportnumpy as npimportmatplotlib.pyplot as plt#s = pd.Series([1, 3, 4, np.nan, 6, 8])dates = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=6) df= pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 4), index=dates, columns=list('ABCD')) df2= pd.DataFrame({'A...
In [4]: dfl.loc[2:3]#因为df1的index的类型是datatimeindex,不能使用整数索引 TypeError: cannot do slice indexing on <class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'> with these indexers [2] of <type 'int'> 在切片中的string能够转换为index的类型,这样才能正常切片。 In [41]: dfl.loc['20130102...
官方文档链接http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html 数据索引和选取 pandas对象中的轴标签信息有很多作用: · 使用已知指标来标识数据(即提供元数据),这对于分析、可视化以及交互式控制台的显示都十分重要 · 使能够实现自动和显式的数据对齐 · 允许直观地获取和设置数据集的子集 在这一部分,...
which is known as the indexing operator. Because pandas Series and DataFrames are zero-indexed, you are selecting the first value when you reference the index value0. You can see the result of this operation using theprint()function.
Python Pandas - Indexing and Selecting Data - In pandas, indexing and selecting data are crucial for efficiently working with data in Series and DataFrame objects. These operations help you to slice, dice, and access subsets of your data easily.
github-data-wranglingLearn how to load, clean, merge, and feature engineer by analyzing GitHub data from theVizrepo. Introduction-to-PandasIntroduction to Pandas. Introducing-Pandas-ObjectsLearn about Pandas objects. Data Indexing and SelectionLearn about data indexing and selection in Pandas. ...
Advanced indexing and selection:Use complex indexing techniques Data transformation and manipulation:Reshape and modify data with ease Python’s Pandas library gives you a powerful tool to play around with data. This tutorial shared some basic ideas and showed examples. Just remember, the more you ...
Then, let's select rows X and Y: df[['A', 'B']].loc[['X', 'Y']] And we're done! Conditional Selection Using Pandas DataFrame If you recall from our discussion of NumPy arrays, we were able to select certain elements of the array using conditional operators. For example, if we...
github-data-wrangling Learn how to load, clean, merge, and feature engineer by analyzing GitHub data from the Viz repo. Introduction-to-Pandas Introduction to Pandas. Introducing-Pandas-Objects Learn about Pandas objects. Data Indexing and Selection Learn about data indexing and selection in Pandas...
You've already seen how to use standard Python indexing notation to retrieve values or slices:Python Copy ind[1] The output is:Output Copy 'b' Another example:Python Copy ind[::2] The output is:Output Copy Index(['a', 'c'], dtype='object') ...