Similarly, Microsoft paid $26 billion for loss-making LinkedIn in 2016, and Facebook paid $19 billion for WhatsApp in 2014 when it had no revenues or profits. In contrast, industrial giant GE’s stock price has declined by 44% over the last year, as news emerged about its first losses...
Instead, what if you have to use pyexcel.get_array to do the same: >>>forrowinp.get_array(file_name="your_file.xls",start_row=1): ...print(f"{row[2]}are from{row[0]}period ({row[1]})")Machaut,LandiniarefromMedievalperiod(c.1150-c.1400)Gibbons,FrescobaldiarefromRenaissanceperio...
County-level data can be found in files for each year, starting with the us-counties-2020.csv file. (Raw CSV file here.) date,county,state,fips,cases,deaths 2020-01-21,Snohomish,Washington,53061,1,0 ... Because this file has grown too large, data for 2021 and 2022 are in separate...
2. Hire and train for the future.Take a note from theUS Department of State: “[It] will evolve its hiring practices to include requisite data skills. Data skill sets must be an integral component for a wider range of key positions. If data skills gaps are left unaddressed, the Departmen...
"@Year", SqlDbType.SmallInt, 2, "Year"); insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@Title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100, "Title"); insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@Credits", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "Credits"); insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@DepartmentID"...
CREATEDATABASEdatabase_nameON<filespec>[ ,...n ]FOR{ {ATTACH[WITH<attach_database_option>[ , ...n ] ] } |ATTACH_REBUILD_LOG} [;]<attach_database_option>::={<service_broker_option>|RESTRICTED_USER|FILESTREAM(DIRECTORY_NAME= {'directory_name'|NULL} ) }<service_broker_option>::={EN...
Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations have been linked to effects in a wide range of ecosystems and organisms, with negative effects of elevated CO2 documented for marine organisms. Less is known about the dynamics of CO2 in freshwat
[dataset]Authors; Year; Dataset title; Data repository or archive; Version (if any); Persistent identifier (e.g. DOI) The term [Dataset] will be removed before publication. How to choose an appropriate data repository Visit or o help identify registered and certifi...
Masking method for column defined with data typedatetime,datetime2,date,time,datetimeoffset,smalldatetime. It helps masking theyear => datetime("Y"),month=> datetime("M"),day=>datetime("D"),hour=>datetime("h"),minute=>datetime("m"), orseconds=>datetime("s")portion of the day.Example ...
Germany rolled back its subsidy for battery-electric vehicles in 2023, around a year after it cut back on the bonus for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. This report looks at the German EV market, including: The EV status quo Greenhouse emission status quo Scenarios-based EV & emissions forec...