In this paper, a classification-based fall detection system is proposed. For this purpose, the SMotion data set was developed and categorized into two groups (age and weight groups). The proposed fall detection system for the elderly is implemented through a body area sensor network using third...
organizations can also build out the entire sequences of an event as it happened, including mapping them to a known kill chain or attack framework. They can then create a custom detection system that meets their unique risk profile without the need forthreat huntersand expensive data scientists....
Condition types fall into the following categories: Condition typeDescription IsconditionsIsconditions activate for each event for which the condition is true. BecomesconditionsBecomesconditions activate only when the condition becomes true, after having previously been false. For example, “Becomes greater...
Firstly, they defined a set of features for each trajectory segment, then they derived an optimal partition with the aim to make the segments within each partition as homogeneous as possible in terms of their features. Thereafter, in the summarizing phase, they select for each partition the ...
TST fall detection database
Real-world fall events objectively measured by body-worn sensors can improve the understanding of fall events in older people. However, these events are rare and hence challenging to capture. Therefore, the FARSEEING (FAll Repository for the design of Smart and sElf-adaptive Environments prolonging ...
To ensure their operations are at an ideal state, this work proposes an unsupervised method for intelligent performance evaluation and data-driven fault detection, which enables engineers to check PV panels in time and implement timely maintenance. It classifies monitoring data into three subsets: ...
Researchers have actively developed fall detection algorithms to minimize injuries in the elderly from falls using wearable sensors [11,12,13]. Threshold-based methods have mainly been used for fall detection. Jung et al. [11] developed a fall detection algorithm with an accuracy of 92.4% and ...
A curated list of awesome resources for practicing data science using Python, including not only libraries, but also links to tutorials, code snippets, blog posts and talks. Core pandas - Data structures built on top of numpy. scikit-learn - Core ML library, intelex. matplotlib - Plotting lib...