Consensus-Driven Propagation in Massive Unlabeled Data for Face Recognition Abstract. 近年来,人脸识别取得了很大的进步,这主要归功于设计的高容量模型和收集到的丰富的标记数据。但是,扩展当前百万级的标识注释变得越来越难以实现。在这项工作中,我们证明了未标记人脸数据可以和标记人脸数据一样有效。在这里,我们考虑...
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionThis paper demonstrates two different fusion techniques at two different levels of a human face recognition process. The first one is called data fusion at lower level and the second one is the decision fusion towards the end of the ...
之前可以先看一下人脸识别(不确定性)- Probabilistic Face Embeddings - 1 - 论文学习 Data Uncertainty Learning in Face Recognition Abstract 建模数据的不确定性对于噪声图像是很重要的,但是在人脸识别的研究却很少与这方面相关。其先驱作品[35]通过将每个嵌入的人脸图像建模为高斯分布来考虑不确定性。这很有效。然...
Kr´al. Unconstrained Facial Images: Database for face recognition under real-world conditions. In 14th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2015), Cuernavaca, Mexico, 25-31 October 2015 2015. Springer.Lenc, L. and Kral, P., 2015, October. Unconstrained Facial ...
前段时间看了看人脸识别不确定性的研究,还是有点意思。这个领域目前比较重要的一篇是 Data Uncertainty Learning in Face Recognition (DUL, CVPR2020),好像没有官方代码,GitHub上有位朋友实现了这篇文章,不过…
Information Administration is leading a process with companies and privacy groups tocreate a voluntary codeof conduct for nongovernment use of face recognition. Despite this effort the FBI have not established any rules to protect privacy or to limit its own collection or retention of data, Lynch ...
This study describes an algorithm that compensates for data misalignments in SRC in an implicit way, that is, without finding/applying any geometric transform at every recognition attempt. The authors' study is based on three concepts: (i) sparse representations; (ii) projections on orthogonal ...
3D facial data has a great potential in overcoming the problems of illumination and pose variation in face recognition. In this paper, we investigate face recognition from range data by facial profiles and surface. An efficient symmetry plane detection method for facial range data is presented to ...
Face DetectionReturns a face ID to be used for theFace recognition APIs(Identify, Verify API, Group API, and Find Similar). Face ID is only supported for customers who have been approved for access. Includes the following parameters:
【SCE 损失】Symmetric Cross Entropy for Robust Learning with Noisy Labels 煎饼果子不要果子 Chapter 8 Electrical Noise: An Overview Mix M...发表于CMOS电... Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with Sentence-Level Attention and Entity Descriptions 论文地址: Distant Supervision for Relation Extract...