数据流图(DFD DATA FLOW DIAGRAM) 结构化分析方法 描述数据处理过程的工具。 数据流图从数据传递和加工的角度, 以图形的方式刻画数据流从输入到输出的移动变换过程 加工 数据在次进行变换产生输出数据 其中注明加工名字(动词) 数据输入的源点或输出的汇点。 数据流被加工数据流向 数据存储文件( 名词或名词性短语命...
and direction of arrowheads according to their process flows and affairs in the organizational systems. Also, they can mention the brief details in the editable shapes used in the template. So, if you want to create an interactive business process flow presentation, download thisPPT templateand cu...
Thisdata flow model diagramis free to download and easy to customize. If you want to get a quick start for making data flow diagram, you can download and edit this template. Extensive pre-made shapes greatly simplify your drawing process. ...
数据流图描述数据流动存储处理的逻辑关系也称为逻辑数据流图Logical Data Flow Diagram实用PPT课件PPT课件上传人:s*** IP属地:上海 上传时间:2021-11-13 格式:PPTX 页数:14 大小:401.30KB 积分:20 举报 版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩9页未读, 继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容...
If you want to spend the least time to draw an excellentdata flow diagram, try this sales data flow diagram template. When you download and open the file, a symbol library containing a series of smart shapes for data flow will be open as well. Using these shapes, you can finish a nice...
Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram summarizing pathway of included studies Figure 1 Strategies for reconciling protection and participation. Figure 1: Trade shares of South Korea's major trading partners (% of South Korea's total trade in goods) Figure 1: Trade shares of South Korea's major. ...
数据流图描述数据流动、存储、处理的逻辑关系,也称为逻辑数据流图(Logical Data Flow Diagram)1概念 概念 数据流图描述数据流动、存储、处理的逻辑关系,也称为逻辑数据流图(LogicalDataFlowDiagram),一般用DFD表示。2基本成分 数据流图用到四个基本符号,即外部实体、处理、数据流和数据存储。1.外部实体...
ppt for address book including data flow diagramdiagram ppt
dataflowdiagram实用ppt学习教案 系统标签: 数据流存储处理数据logical逻辑diagram LogicalDataFlowDiagram基本成分基本成分数据流图用到四个基本符号数据流图用到四个基本符号,,即外部实体即外部实体、、处理处理、、数据流和数据存储数据流和数据存储。。11..外部实体外部实体外部实体指系统以外与系统有联系的人或事物。例...
5.Waterfall Diagram Template in Google Slides Waterfall charts are excellent for financial presentations, allowing you to show gains or losses over time. They are also helpful in demonstrating changes in cash flow or stock market performance. ...