GetSocVersion GetCoreNumAic GetCoreNumAiv CalcTschBlockDim GetCoreMemSize GetCoreMemBw GetLibApiWorkSpaceSize 内部关联接口 算子调测API GmAlloc GmFree ICPU_RUN_KF ICPU_SET_TILING_KEY 基础数据结构和接口 基础数据结构和接口列表 gert命名空间 AnchorInstanceInfo 简介 构造函数 ...
FetchEventID GetBaseAddr InitBufPool GetTPipePtr TBufPool 简介 构造函数 InitBufPool InitBuffer Reset TQue 简介 AllocTensor FreeTensor EnQue DeQue VacantInQue HasTensorInQue GetTensorCountInQue HasIdleBuffer FreeAllEvent TQueBind 简介 构造函数 AllocTensor FreeTensor...
The value used for this API: DescribeDataFetchUrlInfo. Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2021-06-22. Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required. StartTime Yes Integer Start time Type Yes String Type EndTime Yes Integer End time ID Yes ...
SaleInfo Sales information of Standard Edition Used by actions: DescribeCkafkaZone. NameTypeDescription Flag Boolean Manually set flag.Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Version String CKafka version (v1.1.1/2.4.2/0.10.2)Note: this field may re...
Gets or sets the data retrieval mode that the SqlDataSource control uses to fetch data. (Inherited from SqlDataSource) DeleteCommand Gets or sets the SQL string that the SqlDataSource control uses to delete data from the underlying database. (Inherited from SqlDataSource) DeleteCommandType ...
ServerVersion:获取要连接的数据库服务器版本号; State:获取连接的当前状态; MppType:MPP 连接属性,有效值为 DmMppType.LOGIN_MPP_LOCAL、DmMppType.LOGIN_MPP_GLOBAL。 公共方法 DmConnection():构造函数,初始化 DmConnection 的新实例; DmConnection(string connectionString):构造函数,以指定的连接串进行连接对象新...
The generated models might import a couple of packages that are not on your system already, so cd into your generated models directory and type go get -u -t to fetch them. You will only need to run this command once, not per generation....
WithLastDeploymentInfo SourceControl.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource SourceControl.DefinitionStages.WithRepoType SourceControl.DefinitionStages.WithRepository SourceControl.DefinitionStages.WithRepositoryResourceInfo SourceControl.DefinitionStages.WithVersion SourceControlList SourceControls SourceControlsOperations So...
As awesome as cache dependencies are, in ASP.NET version 1.0 they lack one critical feature that, if present, would qualify them as a developer's dream come true: support for database entities. In real life, most Web apps fetch data from databases, not files. But while ASP.NET is perfe...
GetSocVersion GetCoreNumAic GetCoreNumAiv CalcTschBlockDim GetCoreMemSize GetCoreMemBw GetLibApiWorkSpaceSize 内部关联接口 算子调测API GmAlloc GmFree ICPU_RUN_KF ICPU_SET_TILING_KEY 基础数据结构和接口 基础数据结构和接口列表 gert命名空间 AnchorInstanceInfo 简介 构造函数 ...