数据总线(Data Bus)是以消息队列(MQ)为技术核心的,用于系统间数据的高效、可靠、异步交互的中间件,是分布式系统不可或缺的基础设施之一。其由数据抽取器(Data extractor)、消息队列(Message Queue)、数据分发器(Data dispatcher)、分发调度器(Dispatch scheduler)、服务集
Moreover, our "Patch Extractor" module required for training deep learning segmentation models has been significantly improved. The module now supports extraction of multi-class patches from the grayscale and label images. This enhancement simplifies training of deep 2D UNet model...
Moreover, our "Patch Extractor" module required for training deep learning segmentation models has been significantly improved. The module now supports extraction of multi-class patches from the grayscale and label images. This enhancement simplifies training of deep 2D UNet mode...
OBA - Automatically create OpenAPI specifications from OWL and launch a server that serves JSON objects according to your ontology. MEL - (Metadata Extractor & Loader) - A tool to extract metadata (and textual content) from various file formats, as JSON objects. pyLODE - A Python rdflib-based...
A value of 0 removes all saturation from the image and makes all channels equal in value. 0.0 - 1.0 Brightness Config This augmentation operator applies a channel-wise brightness shift. Parameter Datatype Description Supported Values offset float32 Offset value per color channel 0 - 255 Contrast...
Graph databaseGraph query languageNoSQLThe challenges in Big Data start during the data acquisition, where it is necessary to transform non-structured data into a structured format. One example of relevant data in a non-structured format is observed in entity-pages. An entity-page publishes data...
Moreover, our "Patch Extractor" module required for training deep learning segmentation models has been significantly improved. The module now supports extraction of multi-class patches from the grayscale and label images. This enhancement simplifies training of deep 2D UNet models using the “DL Tra...
Esto calcula, muestra y exporta información de cobertura de archivos independiente para lenguajes que comparten un extractor de CodeQL como C y C++, Java y Kotlin, y JavaScript y TypeScript. Disponible desde la versión v2.15.2. --sarif-category=<category> [Solo formatos SARIF] [Recomend...
成,第二个链路由CDM完成,当前CDM作业报错"Error occurs during extractor run"原因分析 1. 查看界面对应的作业日志,报错为"ERROR deserializing key/value for partition xxx at offset xx"作业日志,该日志信息表明在CDM解析kafka对应topic的数据失败。 2. 通过检查作业配置,发现是作业配置的数据格式错误,导致CDM用错...
Extractor: An Extractor is a mapping from a page node to a graph of statements about it. Destination: The Destination package provides an abstraction over a destination of RDF statements. In addition to the core components, a number of utility packages offers essential functionality to be used ...