Data-Envelopment-Analysis培训课件 DataEnvelopmentAnalysis 資料包絡分析 長榮大學國企系(所)教授兼系主任劉春初2009/02/26 1 序論 資料包絡分析法(DataEnvelopmentAnalysis,DEA)以「效率」的概念作為加總模式,而效率則等於總產出除以總投入,並以效率最大化為目標。DEA法另一個與其他多屬性決策分析模式不...
1.1 Data Envelopment Analysis and Economics Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric method of measuring the efficiency of a decision-making unit (DMU) such as a firm or a public sector agency, first introduced into the Operations Research (OR) literature by Charnes, Cooper, and ...
An Introduction to Secondary Data Analysis二级数据分析导论 热度: Mathematics of Data III: An Introduction to Topological Data Analysis 热度: an introduction to data envelopment analysis - a tool for performance measurement 热度: AnIntroductiontoFunctionalDataAnalysis ...
An Efficient Data Envelopment Analysis with a large data set in Stata 热度: Analysis of sports data by using bivariate Poisson models 热度: Econometric analysis of dynamic panel-data models using stata 热度: LargeDataSetAnalysisusingMixtureModels ...
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Its
Introduction Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a methodology for performance evaluation and benchmarking where multiple performance measures are present [1,2]. Charnes et al. [3] establish an ef?cient frontier formed by the best performing decision making units (DMUs) and assign an ef?ciency ...
Data Envelopment Analysis DEA creates a fictitious composite unit(虚设的合成单位) made up of an optimal weighted average (W1, W2,…) of existing units. An individual unit, k, can be compared by determining E(效率指数), the fraction of unit k’s input resources required by the optimal ...
(1978), studies in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) have been extensive: more than 1000 papers by 1996. One of the main objectives of DEA is to measure the e?ciency of a Decision Making Unit (DMU) by a scalar measure ranging between zero (the worst) and one (the best). This scalar...
zing principal-agent theory and data envelopment analysis to examine efficiency of resource utilization in undergraduate education for public and private non-profit four-year research universities 热度: an introduction to data envelopment analysis - a tool for performance measurement 热度: Data ...
zing principal-agent theory and data envelopment analysis to examine efficiency of resource utilization in undergraduate education for public and private non-profit four-year research universities 热度: A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis Third Edition (C++ version) ...