ParameterValueData typeExplanation versionNumber"1.1"stringsemantic version number of the entity is.application.releaseVersion 展开表 ParameterValueData typeExplanation releaseVersion""stringsemantic version number of the application introducing this entity ...
ProdJobCardProductionJournalEntryEntity ProdProductionControlParametersEntity ProdProductionOrderBillOfMaterialsLineEntity ProdProductionOrderHeaderEntity ProdProductionOrderRouteJobEntity ProdProductionOrderRouteOperationEntity ProdProductionOrderRouteOperationResourceRequire...
For each of the data entities you're using, add the 'partitions' attribute to your Model Json file. For each partition, update the 'location' attribute so that it points to the new data location. An explanation about how to add and edit 'partitions' attribute can be foundhere ...
Full details at Testing connection Once you have set the Oracle database DSN you can execute ora2pg to see if it works: ora2pg -t SHOW_VERSION -c config/ora2pg.conf will show the Oracle database server version. Take some ...
If you want to use this GUID format, add an entry to the Reco_Config data entity with the following data: Key=ItemIdAsGuid, Value=True (that is, ItemIdAsGuid,True). Otherwise, Intelligent Recommendations fails to generate recommendations. Item variant IDs should be globally unique (across ...
// Binding Map BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(CMiningModelInfo) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_szCatalog) COLUMN_ENTRY(2, m_szSchema) COLUMN_ENTRY(3, m_szName) COLUMN_ENTRY(4, m_szType) COLUMN_ENTRY(5, m_guidTable) COLUMN_ENTRY(6, m_szDescription) ... COLUMN_ENTRY(10, m_szService) ... END_COLUMN_...
trading activity at publicly traded firms. Project Layline compiles data directly from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is straightforward to employ in empirical analysis. The use of this unaltered, continuously updated data lowers barriers to entry in this important ...
Again, it's important to fully understand the impact each configuration change has before applying the template. Refer to the Appendix for an explanation of the settings changed by the preceding template (anything that is not defined is not outlined). It is also important to take the HighSecWe...
THE FIX: Validation rules do a good job of catching data entry errors in fixed patterns, such as Social Security and phone numbers. But for more complex rules, you’re better off writing a bit of VB code and placing it in the control’s Before Update event. By doing the validation ther...
security is generally considered to be the job of someone else. The reality is just the opposite; security iseveryone'sbusiness. If a user's password has not been changed in several months or is the same as the account name, breaking into and controlling the entire environment via the conce...