SQL Data Dictionary Document your database with ease. It is now easy to generate a PDF or HTML listing of all tables and views in your SQL Server database. View example Wide World Importers (SQL Server 2016) PDF output View example Wide World Importers (SQL Server 2016) HTML tree output...
This is a list of handy SQL queries to the SQL Server data dictionary. You can also find100+ other useful queries here. 1. List of tables with number of rows and comments This query returns list of tables in a database sorted by schema and table name with comments and number of rows...
SQL Server uses the database dictionary to verify SQL statements. When you execute a SQL statement the DBMS (Database Management System) parses the statement and then determines whether the tables and fields you are referencing are valid. To do this quickly it references the data dictionary. I...
SQL Server data dictionary information is stored in the SQL Server database as SQL Server system tables. All SQL Server system tables have names prefixed with "sys". The SQL Server system tables define the structure of a database. When you change data definitions, SQL Server reads and modifi...
For this discussion, a data dictionary will be built from the ground up using T-SQL. While this work will be done in SQL Server, a similar process could be written in other database systems to perform the same tasks. The benefits of building a data dictionary from scratch ar...
Get this interactive HTML data dictionary in minutes with Dataedo. See live HTML data dictionary sample Try for free Create beautiful and useful documentation of your SQL Server Generate convenient documentation of your databases in minutes and share it with your team. Capture and preserve tribal kno...
The information in this section is collectively known as the data dictionary. Information ProvidedFor each component of WebLogic Portal, the following information is provided:An entity-relationship diagram A detailed description of each database table, including:...
權限描述 CONNECT 連線(建立工作階段) 至資料庫所需的必要項目。 SELECT ANY DICTIONARY 查詢系統字典資料表 (例如,SYS.MLOG$) 以便探索所有物件所需的必要項目。這可讓 SSMA 載入連接使用者所擁有的結構描述之中的所有物件。 在大部分的實際案例中,預存程序和 SSMA 之間有跨結構描述參考,必須能夠探索所有參考的物...
The following example checks whether the UserInfo table exists in the database. X++ 複製 server static public void Main(Args _args) { SqlDataDictionary sqlDict; boolean b; sqlDict = new SqlDataDictionary(); if (sqlDict) { b = sqlDict.tableExist("USERINFO"); print b; pause; } } ...
Chapter 16 MySQL Data Dictionary MySQL Server incorporates a transactional data dictionary that stores information about database objects. In previous MySQL releases, dictionary data was stored in metadata files, nontransactional tables, and storage engine-specific data dictionaries. ...