DBA_OB_DATA_DICTIONARY_IN_LOG 更新时间:2024-08-09 17:50:46 编辑 分享 说明 该视图从 V4.2.0 版本开始引入。 功能描述 记录数据字典在系统日志流中的位置范围,方便 CDC 消费数据字典。 字段说明 字段类型是否为 NULL描述 SNAPSHOT_SCN NUMBER(38) NO 数据字典生成时对应租户的 SNAPSHOT SCN REPORT_TIME...
Oracle 租户系统视图字典视图 DBA_OB_DATA_DICTIONARY_IN_LOG DBA_OB_DATA_DICTIONARY_IN_LOG 更新时间:2024-08-09 17:46:15 分享 说明 该视图从 V4.2.0 版本开始引入。 功能描述 记录数据字典在系统日志流中的位置范围,方便 CDC 消费数据字典。 字段说明 字段类型是否为 NULL描述 SNAPSHOT_SCN NUMBER(38) ...
Data Dictionary This data dictionary defines fields used in Oracle Primavera Cloud. Some data dictionary terms contain a set of parentheses. In these parentheses are specific terms used to set the context for the rest of the definition. For example, Schedule Percent Complete (Activity) defines ...
Oracle data dictionary-compatible views are automatically created when you create a database. This capability does not apply to the Entry plan of the Db2 Warehouse on Cloud managed service.
An extension to the Oracle8 data dictionary, it automatically maintains information about spatial tables, columns, and partitions. The Spatial Cartridge data dictionary is created during the installation process. All nonspatial attribute information is maintained in the Oracle8 data dictionary. ...
When you set the DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR registry variable to support Oracle data dictionary-compatible views, the views are automatically created when you create a database.
a user account does not own any database object...no data dictionary... Whereas a schema is an encapsulation of database objects. It's like the owner of the house who owns everything in your house and a user account will be able to access the goods at the home only when the owner...
Data Dictionary Cache(数据字典高速缓存) 数据字典信息 如表的属性,列,存储空间,权限等信息. 3、Redo log buffer(重做日志区) SGA区里发生了什么? SQL语句在这里被解析,生成执行计划,执行计划被共享。 数据在这里被访问,被共享。 重做日志在这里被产生。
If you work with Oracle, then you don't need to be told that the data dictionary is large and complex, and grows larger with each new Oracle release. It's one of the basic elements of the Oracle database you interact with regularly, but the sheer number of tables and views makes it...