1.0 Introduction1.1 Data Communication Model1.2 Data Communications System Tasks1.3 Communication Network and Services1.4 Data Communications Networking 1.4.1 Wide-Area Networks 1.4.2 Local Area Networks1.5 Protocols and Protocol Architectures 1.5.1 The OSI model 1.5.2 The TCP/IP modelNyquist sampling ...
Software and data citation are emerging best practices in scholarly communication. This article provides structured guidance to the academic publishing community on how to implement software and data citation in publishing workflows. These best practices support the verifiability and reproducibility of academi...
DIGITAL DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORK The invention relates to method of interconnecting\nterminal devices in a digital telephone network wherein\neither the terminal devices in question normally operate\nat different data rates or they are to be interconnected\nover data li... LUDWIK HERSCHTAL,ALFRED ZEL...
Network science is the study of complex systems composed of fundamental units, represented as nodes, and their interactions or relations, represented as links1,2. This mathematical abstraction presents the opportunity to study an interacting system as a whole, and allows us to uncover important insig...
“include taboo topics, topics associated with shame or guilt, and topics that generally reside in the private spheres of our lives” (Noland, 2012, p. 3). Communication and psychology researchers who are interested in people's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in various life domains sometimes...
2.1 Communication networks Recently, findings from social network analysis have been corroborated and expanded by the study of communication networks - also denoted asactivitynetworks [10] orinteractionnetworks [11] - that often coexist with social networks. The comparison of the graph of user-to-use...
One of the nice things about human language is that no matter what your question about it might be, someone, somewhere has almost certainly already asked the same thing… and probably found at least part of an answer! The downside of this wealth of knowledge is that, even if you restrict...
We propose measures for academic publishers to enhance the data paper's role in scholarly communication to attract more attention from researchers and to inform discipline﹕pecific policy and practices related to data publication.doi:10.1002/pra2.316Chenyue Jiao...
Big Data (BD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) play a fundamental role in today’s economy that traditional economic models fail to capture. This paper presents a theoretical conceptualisation of the data economy and derives implications for digital gove
Recently, big data streams have become ubiquitous due to the fact that a number of applications generate a huge amount of data at a great velocity. This made it difficult for existing data mining tools, technologies, methods, and techniques to be applied