NameValueCollection The collection posted to the server. Returns Boolean trueif the posted content is different from the last posting; otherwise,false. Remarks TheLoadPostDatamethod checks whether the postback data of theTextBoxcontrol is different from its previous value and, if so, loads ...
获取DataKeyCollection 对象,它存储数据列表控件中每个记录的键值。 (继承自 BaseDataList) DataKeysArray 获取ArrayList 对象,它包含数据列表控件中每个记录的键值。 (继承自 BaseDataList) DataKeysContainer 如果命名容器实现 IDataKeysControl,则获取对命名容器的引用。 (继承自 Control) DataMember 获取或设...
Collection Basics Fill the Collection A Word on Generics Binding to ASP.NET Controls Binding to Windows Forms Binding to Web Services Wrap UpWhen it's time to design the Data Access Layer (DAL) of your distributed Microsoft® .NET Framework-based app, one of the key decisions you'll make...
DataGridViewSelectedColumnCollection DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection DataGridViewSelectionMode DataGridViewSortCompareEventArgs DataGridViewSortCompareEventHandler DataGridViewTextBoxCell DataGridViewTextBoxCell.DataGridViewTextBoxCellAccessibleObject DataGridViewTextBoxColumn DataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl DataGridViewTopLe...
Working with an Inherited DataContext Working with Collection Views Working with Hierarchical Data Using Many Controls to Display XML Data Using Many Controls to Display Business Objects One Control to Display an Entire Hierarchy Using Hierarchical Data Templates Working with User Input...
Gets a collection of annotations with the specified type for the current OpenXmlElement element. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement) Annotations<T>() Gets a collection of annotations with the specified type for the current OpenXmlElement element. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement) Append(IE...
Alternative to Dictionary collection Alternative to robocopy for C# .net applications Alternative to System.IO.File.Copy Always read last line when the text file have updated. AM and PM with "Convert.ToDateTime(string)" Am I missing something? Ambiguous match found when calling method with same ...
public System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); random = new Random(); Table = new DataTable(); DataColumnCollection cols = Table.Columns; cols.Add("Column1", typeof(String)); cols.Add("Column2", typeof(String)); ...
DataTextField It maps the corresponding text field name from the data table or JSON data that is assigned to the dataSource, with the text property of the AutoComplete control. The text value that is fetched from the table gets the value to be displayed in the AutoComplete textbox. ...
You add simple data bindings by using the DataBindings collection on a control: txtBox.DataBindings.Add("Text",dsCust,"Customers.FirstName"); DataTable object — A DataTable object is the representation of a table, with rows and columns, in ADO.NET. A data table contains two collections: ...