DataCollectionandAnalysis3 GuidelinesforDataGathering (資料收集應注意事項) Focusonkeyimpactfactors(處理主要影響因子)Avoidlittleimpactinformation(,extremelyraredowntime,negligiblemovetime..)(避免影響性小的因素,如加班特例、罕見的機器故障、可忽略的移動時間.)Separateinput...
Data Collection and Data Collection and AnalysisAnalysis( (資料收集與分析資料收集與分析) )( (資料收集與分析資料收集與分析) )By C. L. HsiehBy C. L. HsiehDepartment of Industrial Department of Industrial Management Management Aletheia UniversityAletheia University...
data collection and analysis 英 [ˈdeɪtə kəˈlekʃn ənd əˈnæləsɪs] 美 [ˈdeɪtə kəˈlekʃn ənd əˈnæləsɪs]网络  ...
PEUSS2011/2012 DataCollectionandAnalysis Page 24nalysis–data censoring Complete data means that the value ofthe life time ofeach items observedorknown.Forexample,forlife dataanalysis, theata(ifcomplete,which is unusual infielddata collection)wouldomprise the times-to-failure ofallunits in thefield....
analysis of data 分析资料 data analysis 数据分析,资料分析 factory data collection 工业数据收集 remote data collection 远程数据收集 相似单词 collection n. 1.[C,U]拿走、取走或收走某物 2.[C]一系列蒐集物,收藏品 3.[C]时装展销 4.[C](在教堂礼拜或聚会期间的)募捐,募捐的钱 5.[C]成堆物...
Simplify data collection and analysis with Software Intensive Systems (SIS). Overcome data processing challenges, build effective data pipelines, and leverage AI to turn insights into action.
8.3 Data collection,storage and verification数据采集、存储及验证。 9 Data 9.1 analysis and measurement results reporting数据分析及测量结果报告 Overview综述。 9.2 Analyse data and develop measurement results分析数据及开发测量结果。数据在分析之前可以被合计、转化或重新编码,在这个阶段,数据应该被分析重整,产生...
data collection and analysis 【计】 数据收集和分析相关短语 word space (串行数据的) 字间间隔 view modeling (数据库用) 意图模型化 internal absorbent method (元素分析的) 内吸收法 Nobel elutriator (粒度分析用) 诺贝尔淘析器 micro image data (录在胶片上的数据) 显微数据 meridian reflection (纤维X...
Data and how to use it is a key factor in industrial manufacturing. Let us share our insights, experiences, and knowledge to help add ever-growing smartness to your assembly line.
1 marketing department responsible for the investigation of customer satisfaction, information collection, data collection, and analysis. 1市场部负责顾客满意度的调查、信息收集、数据汇总、分析和提供。 6. This paper presented the sorts, distribution and harmfulness of the hazards in Inner...