VSI Controller RPM and VISM Virtual Ports VISM Announce VISM Cards VISM CID VISM Codec VISM Connections VISM DS0s VISM Endpoints VISM Media Gateway Domain Name VISM HDLC VISM LAPD VISM LAPD Trunks VISM Lines VISM MGC Group VISM Media Gateway Protocol VISM MGC VISM MGCG Parameters ...
VSI Controller RPM and VISM Virtual Ports VISM Cards VISM CID VISM Codec VISM Connections VISM DS0s VISM Endpoints VISM Media Gateway Domain Name VISM HDLC VISM LAPD VISM LAPD Trunks VISM Lines VISM MGC Group VISM Media Gateway Protocol VISM MGC VISM MGCG Parameters VISM MGCG Pro...
detect-libc "^2.0.0" https-proxy-agent "^5.0.0" make-dir "^3.1.0" node-fetch "^2.6.7" nopt "^5.0.0" npmlog "^5.0.1" rimraf "^3.0.2" semver "^7.3.5" tar "^6.1.11" "@sinclair/typebox@^0.25.16": version "0.25.24" resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/@sinclair/typebo...
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please run this as root" exit 1 fi Change shell of a user (e.g. bonnie) chsh -s /bin/sh bonnie # /etc/shells: valid login shells Change root / fake root / jail (e.g. change root to newroot) chroot /home/newroot /bin/bash # To exit...
1 Domain Controller with replication in progress 1 of 2 domain controllers down and users cannot login to the domain 1153 errors after performing the Server 2012 schema update on a 2008 domain 1694 error - "Active Directory Domain Services could not update the following object with an attribute ...
Forcing cmdlets to run on a specific Domain Controller server Forcing inheritance on child items Foreach Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser ForEach loop does not working. Error: Cannot convert value to type System.String. Foreach loop is r...
The format used for this parameter is controller1:volume1, volume2; controller2:volume1. Yes netapp01:datavol,logvol;ne tapp02:datavol,logvol Specifies user credentials to perform Yes Snapshot operation on the NetApp storage. netapp01:db2inst1/db2inst 1;netapp02:db2inst1/db2in st1 ...
· Support for 12-Gbps SAS modular RAID controller in a dedicated slot, leaving the remaining PCIe Generation 3.0 slots available for other expansion cards · Modular LAN-On-Motherboard (mLOM) slot that can be used to install a Cisco UCS Virtual Interface Card (VIC) ...
SSH Agent Forwarding # To bring your key with you when ssh to serverA, then ssh to serverB from serverA using the key. ssh-agent ssh-add /path/to/mykey.pem ssh -A <username>@<IP_of_serverA> # Next you can ssh to serverB ssh <username>@<IP_of_serverB> Set the default user...
show disk show {disk0: | disk1:} [filesys | all | controller] Syntax Description {disk0: |disk1:} all controller filesys 指定内部闪存 (disk0:) 或外部闪存 (disk1:).如果输入不带数字的 show disk 命令,则会看到有关文件系统的信息. 显示闪存内容以及文件系统和控制器信息. 显示闪...