ADLS Gen2 中的数据流数据存储在特定于 Power BI 的容器中。自助式数据准备使用方案图中描绘了此容器。 管理员门户设置 管理门户中有两个重要的设置需要管理: Azure 连接:管理门户的Azure 连接部分包含一个设置,用于设置与 ADLS Gen2 帐户的连接。 Power BI 管理员可以利用此设置将自带数据湖引...
In Power BI Desktop, refresh of report visuals, data refresh, and schema refresh all happen together usingHome ribbon > Refresh button. Home ribbon > Transform data > Close & Apply button. The context menu (right-click or select the ellipsis) on any table in the Data pane: choose Refresh...
Power Query has an incredible number of features that are dedicated to helping you clean and prepare your data for analysis. You'll learn how to simplify a complicated model, change data types, rename objects, and pivot data. You'll also learn how to pro
In Power BI Desktop, refresh of report visuals, data refresh, and schema refresh all happen together usingHome ribbon > Refresh button. Home ribbon > Transform data > Close & Apply button. The context menu (right-click or select the ellipsis) on any table in the Data pane: choose Refresh...
I saw an opportunity to createa custom visualto show off the information in the best way. The Power BI visuals and framework are built using technologies such as D3, HTML5 and CSS3 and the code is open source, so you can visit GitHub to create your own high quality ...
Visualize any data and integrate the visuals into the apps you use every day with Power BI, a unified platform for self-service and business intelligence.
2. Launch and configure the Power BI Desktop template file Select the Project Power BI template file to open it in Power BI Desktop. On theEnter Parametersscreen, in theDataverse URLfield, type the URL of your Dynamics 365 Dataverse instance you're using for Project for ...
2. Launch and configure the Power BI Desktop template file Select the Project Power BI template file to open it in Power BI Desktop. On theEnter Parametersscreen, in theDataverse URLfield, type the URL of your Dynamics 365 Dataverse instance you're using for Project for ...
在Microsoft.PowerBI.Modeler.ModelManager.<>c__DisplayClass247_0.<SaveChanges>b__0() 在Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Modeling.Hosting.ModelingTelemetryService.<>c__DisplayClass6_0`1.<RunInActivity>b__0() 在Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Modeling.Hosting.ModelingTelemetryService.RunInActivity(Model...
在SQL Server Data Tools 中,你可以在 Microsoft 报表生成器、Power BI 报表生成器和报表设计器中创建和修改分页报表定义 (.rdl) 文件。 DataSources DataSources 集合表示在已发布的报表定义中引用的数据源。 可选择将此信息包括在报表中,以记录报表数据源。 此集合在“预览”模式下不可用。 下表对 DataSources...