Iron Mountain’s Singapore data center, located in Serangoon, is a former banking data center built to exacting security standards, near local carrier hotels.
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Equinix SG4, other data centers in Singapore or operated by Equinix, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify ...
日前,用友大易招聘云海外新加坡数据中心正式成立,在保证合规合法的前提下,为企业提供更高效、更稳定、更安全的全球化智能招聘服务。 当前,经济全球化已经成为一个不可逆转的趋势,千行百业的发展面临着前所未有的变化与不确定性。在这一切的背后,人才是推动产业变革的决定性力量。因此,企业需要采取灵活的招聘策略去...
Huawei's prefabricated modular data center features a container structure and modular design, period by 50%+ compared with traditional solutions.
Posted in Google Singapore Jurong West Source: Google Top down image of facility Posted in Google Singapore Jurong West Source: Google First Data Center in Singapore Posted in Google Singapore Jurong West Source: Google Side View Posted in NeutraDC: Telin-3 Source: AWP Architects ...
IBM Opens Cloud Data Center in SingaporeMiller, Rich
Find out more about Digital Realty's secure colocation and data center services in Singapore, . Book a tour today.
“We warmly welcome NTT Communications' decision to construct its first self-designed and built green data center outside ofJapanhere inSingapore,” saidJayson Goh, Executive Director of Infocomms and Media for The Singapore Economic Development Board...
Complementing phoenixNAP’s global platform, the Singapore data center expands the availability of phoenixNAP’s cloud, backup, disaster recovery, and managed hosting services. In addition to dedicated servers, hardware-as-a-service, and colocation solutions, we can provide you with any additional prof...
Equinix, Inc. announced the expansion of Platform Equinix® with its fifth International Business Exchange™ (IBX®) data center in Singapore, to be (...)