Augmentation with Deep Generative Models 相关开源实现 总结 前言 最近,深度学习在许多时间序列分析任务中表现出色。深度神经网络的优越性能严重依赖于大量训练数据以避免过度拟合。然而,许多现实世界时间序列应用的标记数据可能受到限制,例如医学时间序列中的分类和AIOps中的异常检测。作为提高训练数据规模和质量的有效途径,...
这篇文章主要参考 A survey on Image Data Augmentation for Deep Learning, 总结了常用的传统扩增方法及其应用时的注意事项。这里的传统方法指不包括基于深度学习(比如 GAN)等新的扩增方法。 另外需要注意的是,虽然对于不同的任务,比如对于分类,检测任务,不同的任务在采用某一个具体的扩增方法的时候会有所不同,比...
1.2 Structure-wise Augmentation 分为四种方法: edge addition/dropping node addition/dropping graph diffusion graph sampling 1.2.1 Edge Addition/Dropping 即 保留原始节点顺序,对邻接矩阵种的元进行改写。 基于图稀疏性(graph sparsification)的图结构优化方法 [8、9],基于图结构整洁性(graph sanitation)的方法 [...
Back‑translation augmentation: 从一个语言翻译到另一个语言作为数据增强。 Style augmentation:一种利用深度网络来增强数据以训练其他深度网络的增强策略。这是一种有趣的策略,可以防止过度拟合高频特征或模糊语言形式,例如专注于意义。在文本数据域中,这可以描述将一位作者的写作风格转移到另一位作者的写作风格,以用...
Deep Learning (DL) methods have emerged as one of the most powerful tools for functional approximation and prediction. While the representation properties of DL have been well studied, uncertainty quantification remains challenging and largely unexplored. Data augmentation techniques are a natural approach...
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the most captivating applications of Deep Learning. In this survey, we consider how the Data Augmentation training strategy can aid in its development. We begin with the major motifs of Data Augmentation summar
Data Augmentation, a data-space solution to the problem of limited data. Data Augmentation encompasses a suite of techniques that enhance the size and quality of training datasets such that better Deep Learning models can be built using them. The image augmentation algorithms discussed in this ...
后来resize成28×28,就没有内存错误了,但是代码运行了一晚上都不结束,因此使用猫狗大战图片无法复现效果,这里转发另外一个博客使用mnist复现出的结果,如下图4。针对mnist的其它DataAugmentation结果可以看这个博客:Image Augmentation for Deep Learning With Keras(。
However, in cases where such transfer learning models perform poorly (i.e., for data outside of the training distribution), one must resort to fine-tuning such models, or even retraining them completely. Currently, no form of data augmentation has been proposed that can be applied directly ...
⑤ One-shot and Zero-shot learning 。One-shot learning通常用于面部识别应用。 一次性学习的一种方法是使用siamese 网络,该网络学习距离函数,这样即使网络仅在一个或几个实例上进行过训练,图像分类也是可能的。另一种非常流行的一次性学习方法是使用记忆增强网络。Zero-shot learning是一种更极端的模式,在这种模式...