📚 A GitHub action to track books you read in a JSON file (supports ISBN, Libby, and Libro.fm) - read-action/_data/read.json at main · library-pals/read-action
Lore and Mythology: Delving into the intricate lore, conspiracies, and historical events within the Metal Gear Solid universe, including topics like The Patriots or the Philosopher’s Legacy. – Groundbreaking Game Design: Appreciating the innovative gameplay mechanics, cinematic presentation, and attent...
Examining the Evolution and Dissemination of Zen Buddhist Verse-Style Memes: An Analysis of Jingde Chuandeng Lu 作者 高婉瑜 中文摘要 談到禪宗的機緣語句(公案),一般印象是十分費解,需要有相當的慧根才能體得妙悟,參透禪的境界。禪宗是一種文化現象,表面是高深難測或看似荒謬的機鋒問答,都與各宗禪師主張的修...