With focus on using data to personalize the learning experience and the environment in which the experience of learning occurs, LA centers on enhancing education through meticulous data analysis, while big data (BD) in education addresses the overarching challenges and opportunities...
Exploring Digital Learning Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Education Institutes: Stakeholder Analysis on the Use of Social Media for Effective Susta... The use of social media (SM) platforms in higher education has seen significant growth since the global pandemic disrupted traditional learning me...
The higher educational institutions are working in a rapidly increasingly complicated and competitive scenario. The contemporary challenges faced by the higher educational institutions in India are discussed in this paper. Big Data is a trending area of research that is using data analysis to notify de...
Enflux offers higher education solutions with data analytics to achieve intelligence for student success. Learn how we can help leverage your school's data!
Responsible for developing and delivering QAA’s approach to sector intelligence through analysis of external data, increasing data capabilities, and supporting the growth and success of the agency through the use of data. This includes gathering, analysing and transforming sector-wide data into actionab...
Measuring the Research Performance of Chinese Higher Education Institutions: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis Utilizing data from 84 key Chinese higher education institutions, the present study attempts to examine the effectiveness of the Education Reform implement... YC Ng,SK Li - 《...
The right data management will allow you to carry out analysis of exam results and other performance metrics. However, the education sector typically experiences issues when it comes to data quality assurance, and it’s crucial to find new ways to overcome them. ...
13European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases 14Journal of Big Data 15ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 16Social Network Analysis and Mining 17Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) ...
According to National Knowledge Commission, Higher education in India refers to education beyond school (class 12). The medium term macro objective with regard to higher education would be to increase the gross enrolment ratio to at least 15% by 2015. In today's competitive world improving & ma...
Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) is proposed by the well-known operations research scientist Charnes et al.in the late 1970s.Like Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP), the technology is widely applied to the evaluation of the various production areas,especially for the multi-input multi-output systeme.Hi...