This dataset contains hourly and daily air quality index (AQI) data for Mumbai, India, from 2021 to 2023. The AQI is a measure of air quality, and it is used to assess the health risks associated with air pollution. This dataset can be used to track air quality in Mumbai over time,...
Gain better airroute strategies through global airroutemap, delivering quality travel options for passengers. More Variflight FHI Variflight Big Data Platform Visualize and analyze historical and prospective aviation data, assisting in strategic planning and operational analysis foraviation operations....
Air quality indexCriteria pollutantsWe estimate impacts of electricity generation (total power output and thermal power output) on air pollution (air quality index (AQI) and six criteria air pollutants), with a particular emphasis on industry and city heterogeneity. To identify this relationship, we...
Right on your phone, and as easy as checking the weather. Plume Labs App reveals what’s the air quality like throughout your day and throughout the world. 中国大陆地区的行政区划参见 assets/area.json 文件,JSON 格式 空气质量指数(AQI)范围及相应的空气质量类别对应表 空气质量指数空气质量状况对健康影响情况建议采取的措施 0~50 优 空气质量令人满意,基本无空气污染 各类人群可正常活动 51~100 良 空...
find out more about the daily air quality index D| Check out our two Swansea galleries Click the Swansea Gallery link below the map on the homepage and visitAbout Swansea AQD. CURRENT ALERTS Last updated:Wed 25 May 2016 07:51 Current alerts for:General alert. ...
The aqi package provides an interface to the World Air Quality Index. “The World Air Quality Index project is a non-profit project started in 2007. Its mission is to promote air pollution awareness for citizens and provide a unified and world-wide air quality information. The project is prov...
Data APIs Easily integrate and access airline schedules, flight status, carbonemissions, and aircargo data through VariFlight APIs. ADS-B VariFlight worldwide network of ADs-B receiverstracks aircrafts equipped with ADs-B devices. More More
we live in Bengaluru/Bangalore. We as family suffer due to air quality. Given this concern, I wanted a data-set to analyze what has happened over the years and what to expect. I also wanted to compare the same with other cities.National Air Quality Indexhas this data. But it's availab... 中国大陆地区的行政区划参见 assets/area.json 文件,JSON 格式 空气质量指数(AQI)范围及相应的空气质量类别对应表 空气质量指数空气质量状况对健康影响情况建议采取的措施 0~50优空气质量令人满意,基本无空气污染各类人群可正常活动 ...