doi:10.47001/IRJIET/2023.710083Ravi Supunya, N. H. P.Chathurika, BhagyanieB. N. W., SubasingheK. A., AththanayakeW. D. M. U. P., WaidyarathnaAsahara, G. A.International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering & Technology...
Several academic articles have explored using social media data to diagnose mental health disorders and provide appropriate treatment. For example, a study by Safa et al. (2022) investigated using Twitter data to detect depression in adolescents. The authors concluded that social media data might be...
oft-cited鈥s鈥 Instead, building on how social scientists have conceived of things, methods and data as having social and cultural lives, the project sought to identify the normative, political and technical imperatives and choices that come to shape Big Data at various momentsin its social ...
To measure depressive symptoms, the researchers used the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for theyoung adultsand an age-appropriate version of the same scale for the adolescents. All participants answered two questions about their average daily hours spent on social media—one measurin...
Social media represent an excellent opportunity for the construction of timely socio-economic indicators. Despite the many advantages of investigating soci
The survey data set provides insights about the usage pattern and triggering factors for mental health problems due to the use of SNS. It also provides perceptions of what people think about social media and SNS-induced depression, anxiety, loneliness, and sleep disorders. We obtained responses fr...
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 71, 252–266. Article Google Scholar Brunborg, G. S., & Burdzovic Andreas, J. (2019). Increase in time spent on social media is associated with modest increase in depression, conduct problems, and ...
A voluminous and complex amount of information —‘big data’ — from social media such as Twitter and Flickr is now ubiquitous and of increasing interest to researchers studying human behaviour in cities. Yet the value of social-media data (SMD) for urban-sustainability research is still poorly...
Comparatively little research has examined the relationship between violence in media and depression. Given strong relationships between depression and violence (Ferguson, San Miguel & Hartley , 2009), it would be reasonable to conclude that if exposure to violence in media is correlated with increased...
However, nowadays, the data shared at social media is a ubiquitous source that can be used to detect the depression symptoms even when the student is not able to afford or search for professional care. Previous works have already relied on social media data to detect depression on the general...