2). Please upload bdump/udump of all ASM instances 3). please provide the kfed output of disk 0 (DATA_0000) 4). please provide the first 80 M of DATA_0000 dd if=<target disk> of=<file> bs=4096 count=20480 . [oracle@drac1 bin]$ kfed read /dev/databases |more kfbh.endian: 1...
Continuity of Specifications There is no change to this datasheet as a result of offering the device as a Spansion product. Any changes that have been made are the result of normal datasheet improvement and are noted in the document revision summary, where supported. Future routine revisions ...
1. Drive Current Waveform – 13 – CXA2108Q Luminance data (Dv) D9 to 0 Brightness (D3 to 0) = 0000 D9 D0 Emitting duty [%] Nv 0000000000 0000000001 0000000010 : 1000000000 : 1111111111 0 1 2 : 512 : 1023 0 0.006 0.012 : 3.125 : 6.244 Nv∗1 and emitting duty Brightness (D...
1.plot upper triangle of matrix (useful for Hi-C TAD plot) plot.TAD(test_mat,maxBound = 0.95) title(main="plot TAD with the same Hi-C matrix") 2.plot lower triangle of matrix plot.TAD(test_mat,maxBound = 0.95,mat.upper = F) title(main="plot lower triangle of matrix") 3....
28S29GL-A MirrorBit™ Flash FamilyS29GL-A_00_A3 April 22, 2005Advan ceIn form ati o nSA55 0110000xxx64/32300000h–30FFFFh 180000h–187FFFhSA96 1011001xxx64/32 数据表 search, datasheets, 电子元件和半导体, 集成电路, 二极管, 三端双向可控硅 和其他半导体的
0000100 00c0 0811 f000 4001 0103 0021 1102 0301 0000110 0111 c4ff 1f00 0000 0501 0101 0101 0101 0000120 0000 0000 0000 0000 0201 0403 0605 0807 0000130 0a09 ff0b 00c4 10b5 0200 0301 0203 0304 0000140 0505 0404 0000 7d01 0201 0003 1104 1205 0000150 3121 0641 5113 0761 7122 3214 91...
Read example: • Send 0x0C00_0000 Receive: 8000_0000 (for example after a POR) • Send 0x0000_0000 Receive: 0C00_0000 (address + register data) The first response from the device after a POR event is a Read Status register (0x3Exxxxxx where x is the status of the inputs). ...
Read example: • Send 0x0C00_0000 Receive: 8000_0000 (for example after a POR) • Send 0x0000_0000 Receive: 0C00_0000 (address + register data) The first response from the device after a POR event is a Read Status register (0x3Exxxxxx where x is the status of the inputs). ...
I2C Registers 00h VBUS Registers 00 0000h Host Processor I2C E0h E1h E8h EAh VBUS Data VBUS Address VBUS[23:0] FFh Figure 2-13. VBUS Access CC WSS/CGMS VITC Line Mode 80 051Ch 80 0520h 80 052Ch 80 0600h VPS/Gemstar FIFO 80 0700h 90 1904h FF FFFFh Copyright © 2005–2011,...
I2C Registers 00h VBUS Registers 00 0000h Host Processor I2C E0h E1h E8h EAh VBUS Data VBUS Address VBUS[23:0] FFh Figure 2-13. VBUS Access CC WSS/CGMS VITC Line Mode 80 051Ch 80 0520h 80 052Ch 80 0600h VPS/Gemstar FIFO 80 0700h 90 1904h FF FFFFh Copyright © 2005–2011,...