DASS-21是经过修订后的DASS 精简版,在保持原量表各维度不变的前提下,抑郁、焦虑和压力三个分量表分别保留7个题项,以提高辨别和评估相应的情绪障碍症状的效率。研究表明DASS-21与完整版DASS 有同样稳定的因素结构和同等良好的信效度,更适合作为科研和临床中快速筛查的工具[2,3]。2001年Taouk 等人编译和修订了...
In the present study, in order to provide a more rigorous assessment of the relationship between NA and stress, these additional models were tested. Models 3a and 3b were identical to Models 2a and 2b, respectively, but also incorporated a general distress factor. These models tested the ...
How results from different brief depression and anxiety symptom assessment tools compare to each other is not well established, especially in real world healthcare settings. This study aimed to compare the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21 Depression scale (DASS-Depression) and Anxiety (DASS-Anxiety...
Introduction The DASS 21 is a 21 item self report questionnaire designed to measure the severity of a range of symptoms common to both Depression and Anxiety. In completing the DASS, the individual is required to indicate the presence of a symptom over the previous week. Each item is scored ...
The DASS is not intended to replace a complete psychological assessment. It is important to remember that DASS severity ratings are based on mean population scores obtained from large, relatively heterogenous samples. On this basis, an individual severity rating reflects how far scores are positioned...
Symptoms of depression and anxiety often co-occur in the same individuals. In order to increase our understanding of concurrent depression and anxiety, it
21 has serious psychometric deficiencies, especially related to the construct validity, as well as convergent and discriminatory validity. In addition, it was shown that DASS-21 do not replicate the three-dimensional structure of the original instrument in the Hispanic community. Finally, it was ...