7.Either of two symbols, an emdash or an endash, used in writing and in printing. 8.In Morse and similar codes, the long sound or signal used in combination with the dot and silent intervals to represent letters or numbers. 9.A dashboard. ...
The TeXBook says: In olden days, an “em” was the width of an ‘M’, but this is no longer true; ems are simply arbitrary units that come with a font … the \rm font (cmr10) of plain TeX has 1 em = 10 pt …; the \bf font (cmbx10) has 1 em = 11.5 pt …; and the ...
Click the image below to download your free worksheet on dashes! Need something more than just worksheets for your grammar instruction? GrammarFlip is a comprehensive grammar and writing program designed to individualize student learning while saving ELA teachers time in the classroom. Built by teacher...
N-COUNT A dash is a straight, horizontal line used in writing, for example, to separate two main clauses whose meanings are closely connected. 破折号 例: ...the dash between the birth date and death date. …生卒日期之间的破折号。9...
Between long dashes, short dashes, and hyphens—and all of their various uses—it can be difficult to keep the rules straight and stick to correctgrammarin your writing. In this guide to the types of dashes, we cover each of them—em dashes, en dashes, and hyphens—and offer examples th...
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Learn how to use en-dashes and em-dashes properly in writing. This chapter explains the functions of each type of dash, from setting off parenthetical information to indicating ranges or breaks in thought. With examples and exercises, readers will gain a thorough understanding of how dashes can...
The en-dash and the em-dash are older siblings of the hyphen. Learn how to use en-dashes and em-dashes properly in writing. This chapter explains the functions of each type of dash, from setting off parenthetical information to indicating ranges or breaks in thought. With examples and exerc...
Learn when to use parentheses vs dashes in a text. Explore the three types of dashes, including the em dash, en dash, and hyphen, and study examples of each. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents Parentheses vs. Dashes What are Parentheses? What are Dashes? Hyphen Em Dash and En ...
Navigating the complexities of grammar and style in writing can be challenging, but worry not—we're here to ease the process ... Paraphrasing Tool We understand the power of words, and that's why we offer an innovative paraphrasing tool to refine your writing. With ... ...