Solved: Hi, I'm recreating elements of a drawing, one of which is a drainage run, the original drawing uses a line type that is a dashed line that
Solved: Hi everyone I have a problem with AutoCAD when printing. I just installed a plotter and also the driver HPGL2 . After this now in AutoCAD or
问题: 在 AutoCAD 中绘制线或对象并为其指定非连续线型(如虚线、虚线、锯齿形等)后,该线条或对象在模型空间或图纸空间视口中仍显示为实线或连续线。 原因: 对于受影响对象的大小,线型比例过大或过小。 系统上的显示驱动程序有问题。 直线本身的线型特性是连续的,而其
Le linee non continue per i bordi occlusi e intersezione nell'anteprima dello stile di visualizzazione personalizzato e la stampa come continua in AutoCADAutodesk Support 23 gennaio 2024Prodotti e versioni incluseProblema:Gli utenti hanno segnalato che gli spi...
問題: カスタム線種は、AutoCADでは標準の破線と実線で表示されます。また、図面を開くと、次のメッセージが表示されます。 "folderpath\filename.shx はシェイプ ファイルです。テキスト フォント ファイルではありません。" 原因: SHXフ...
But be careful, a true distance in the linetype-definition does not use the exact values on your line/polyline/...curves, because AutoCAD always tries to have a visible start as well as a visible end of the polyline. E.g. when you have a linetype with 10 line, 10 gap, 1...