Argon Dashboard Vue 3 是一个功能丰富的管理面板模板,基于 Vue 3、Element Plus 和 Tailwind CSS 构建。它提供了现代化的用户界面设计和丰富的组件库,使开发者能够快速构建响应式和美观的管理面板应用程序。该模板包含了各种常用的面板功能和组件,如表格、图表、表单等,同时支持自定义主题和布局,以满足不同项目的...
一、Dashboard开发 利用之前封装好的Echarts组件来做个Dashboard。 只需要更改主页Home.vue: <template><v-row><v-colcols="12"sm="3"><v-cardtitle="摄像机"class="elevation-10 ma-4"><v-tabsv-model="tab"align-tabs="end"class="mx-4"color="primary"><v-tab:value="1">客厅</v-tab><v-...
import DashBoardCard from '@/components/DashBoardCard.vue'; 最后使用方式如下: <!--订单--><DashBoardCard title='订单' num='152' unit='个' icon='pi-shopping-cart' icon-color='blue' description='距离上次访问有' result='24个新订单'/><!--收入--><DashBoardCard title='收入' num='2100...
Not immediately needed, but if we want new stuff we need to go to vue3. 👍 1 ax3l added the component: dashboard label Sep 26, 2024 ax3l assigned proy30 Sep 26, 2024 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Assignee...
README License argon-dashboard-vue3 Argon Dashboard Vue 3, ElementUI & TailwindCSS - Inspired by Creative Tim Nice stack (VET) VueJS 3 with well structured ElementUI for VueJS 3 TailwindCSS 3 Vite Sponsor LTV Software Contributors Dung Le Phong Le Hieu Dang Kha Huynh License MITAbout...
vue3-dashboardTp**wd 上传1.78 MB 文件格式 zip echarts5 typescript vue3 基于vue3+typescript+echarts实现数据看板,包括地图散点、饼图、柱状图、动态词云 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 form-create-demo 2024-11-09 23:08:38 积分:1 ...
To use Syncfusion Vue components in the project, install the corresponding npm package.This article uses the Vue Dashboard Layout component as an example. To use the Vue Dashboard Layout component in the project, the @syncfusion/ej2-vue-layouts package needs to be installed using the following...
D2Admin is a comprehensive enterprise back-end and front-end integration solution that is fully open source and free. The solution is developed using a cutting-edge front
Vue 3 / TailwindCSS Admin Dashboard Template Visit Site Get automated alerts for issues in your Vue apps and find the root cause faster! ➡️ Try Sentry for Vue Description Vue 3 / TailwindCSS Admin Dashboard Template "Midone is a fully responsive admin dashboard template based on ...
Vue 3 + TypeScript + Vite Recommended IDE Setup Type Support For .vue Imports in TS Vue 3 + TypeScript + Vite This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and TypeScript in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 SFCs, check out the script setup docs to learn more. Recomme...