用ReactJs开发的一个简单而基本的仪表板模板 | :rocket: 技术领域 这个项目是由我在一个个人项目中开发的,但是,我正在为更多的贡献者开源。 :information: 如何使用 为了使用它,您需要克隆此存储库并从命令行运行以下步骤: # Clone this repository $ git clone https://github.com/luisotavio756/dashboard-rea...
使用ReactJs和React Semantic UI构建管理仪表板。 这使您能够以预先准备好的布局快速启动新项目,并且React Semantic UI提供了对许多有用访问。 安装/入门 git clone https://github.com/AlbionaHoti/react_admin_dashboard.git cd react_admin_dashboard 开始项目运行 npm install npm start 开始故事书运行 npm run...
首先echarts-for-react,顾名思义就是用来绘制echarts图表的,这里不过多解释。然后react-grid-layout 是一个网格布局系统,可以实现响应式的网格布局,并且支持分割点(breakpoints)的设置,灵活运用可以方便的实现拖拽式组件的实现。 具体使用就不多介绍了,可以直接去官网看看,例子很多也很详细:https://github.com/react...
// given by the Superset embedding UIsupersetDomain:"http://localhost:8088",mountPoint:document.getElementById("my-superset-container"),// any html element that can contain an iframefetch
Dashboard.js import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; import Form from "./Form"; import FilterButton from "./FilterButton"; import Todo from "./Todo"; import { nanoid } from "nanoid"; function usePrevious(value) { const ref = useRef(); useEffect(() => { ...
A data visualization dashboard 📊 built using ReactJS. reduxnodejsreactjsscssindustrydata-visualization-dashboard UpdatedDec 12, 2022 JavaScript Star2 HR ANALYTICS DASHBOARD by using Power-Bi (Data Analytics) data-visualizationpowerbimicrosoft-exceldata-visualization-dashboarddata-visualizations ...
Free and open source React.js admin dashboard template and UI library based on Bootstrap 5 reactbootstrapreact-bootstrapreact-admin-templatereact-dashboardbootstrap-5react-bootstrap-5 UpdatedJan 27, 2024 JavaScript creativetimofficial/notus-react ...
Kitto是一个用Elixir/React开发的, 帮助你创建仪表盘的框架. 用途 主要用作实时监控服务器的各个运行指标. 比如在一个游戏服务器中,Kitto通过SSE(服务器事件流) 连接到管理服务器获取服务器的运行状态指标. 达到实时监控的目的. 需要的技术 React.js
Petrichor Dashboard is built entirely in ReactJS, using the ES6 Javascript standard. The current codebase utilizes create-react-app (https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app) to manage compilation and dependencies (Babel, Wepack, JSLint and others under the hood). The Gentelella ...
ArchitectUI is a clean, sleek dashboard UI theme/template and it’s built for modern applications that are powered by ReactJS. It includes many components, elements, and widgets so developers don’t waste time on the visual/design part. They just put some components together; voila, the app...