How to type an em dash on a Mac If you're a Mac user, congratulations: you basically only need to read the next sentence. On a Mac, the keyboard shortcut option + shift + dash (-) makes an em dash, and option + dash (-) makes an en dash....
However, we often use it where other, long dash symbols would work better — often because we're not sure how to type long hyphens at all. Sometimes, you can see people typing double (- -) or even triple (- - -) dashes to represent en and em dashes respectively (and some word ...
Finally, you can insert an em dash with the auto format function in Microsoft Word. This allows you to type an em dash and continue typing your text with little to no pause. Simply type a word, type two hyphens unspaced (the hyphen key is located between the 0 and the + keys on th...
How to type an em dash On computers, they’re easy to type—on a Mac, go for Shift+Option+Minus (-); on Windows use Ctrl+Alt+Minus (-). Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing shines? Grammarly can check your spelling and save you from grammar and punctuation mistakes. It...
You can open it in a new window, reset it to its original view, and, depending on the report type, export it to PowerPoint or Excel. If you have appropriate permissions, you can also use these controls to delete the scorecard, modify it, or change connection...
When adding an embedded Power BI dashboard to a solution, you can add a Power BI report or a Power BI dashboard.In the pop-up window, select the Workspace, Type, and Report or Dashboard that you want to use and then select Save....
To configure a tile, you click on the icon in the center of the tile. When the Add Tile window opens, fill in the required data. The following illustration is an example of the tile setup.Configure dashboard colorsFor all Option Set and Two Options type fields, such as the Case...
This article outlines the types of visualizations available to use in AI/BI dashboards and shows you how to create an example of each visualization type. For instructions on building a dashboard, see Create a dashboard. You can use natural language to prompt the assistant to create bar, lin...
If you're using Dashy and would like to help support its development, then that would be awesome! Contributions of any type, any size, are always very much appreciated, and we will appropriately credit you for your effort. Several areas that we need a bit of help with at the moment are...
Function type: A metric like function type or function clusters might help to distinguish different groups within the company. Examples include top management, middle management, and individual contributors. FTE: A Full-Time Equivalent is the hours worked by one employee full-time. The number of ...