The third and final form of change is not achange at all, the species remains constant and doesn't change and thisis known as statis but no species has ever been in statis all the timethey have been in other states at times during their evolution nothinghas evolved purely in statis!
c. convergent evolution. b. biogeography. d. divergent evolution. 24. What is the idea developed by Charles Lyell which states that the geologic processes that shaped Earth in the past continue to operate in the same way today? a. inheritance of acquired characteristics b. catastrophism c. uni...
For the benefit of those who are less steeped in ecological thinking, consider another example from technology — automotive evolution. The first car, theBenz Patent-Motorwagen, was built in 1885. Within the next few years, two new models came out, each one with nifty new features, such as ...
I also refer to these ideas briefly at the start of the section "Genomic instability and somatic cellular Darwinian evolution in cancer". Comments from Reviewer 2 (M Kimmel) Recently, there has been a surge in interest in the cancerization field theory of carcinogenesis, which states that as ...
Stochastic switching in the population dynamics with three-point (hypernetwork) interactions may have destabilized the HGT-dominated collective state and essentially contributed to the emergence of vertical descent and the first well-defined species in early evolution. A systematic nonlinear analysis of ...
‘mini Mike’, President Trump continues to mock his political rivals based on their stature— which so far has proven to be a winning strategy. Beyond basic health considerations however, candidate’s size should be irrelevant when it comes to electing the President of the United States (note...
With the precision of an optometrist, Michael brings into focus the intricacies of human uniqueness and the subtle forces of cultural evolution. His scientific work acts as a lens, magnifying our understanding of the evolutionary forces that mould our behaviour and drive cultural change. Arguably, ...
a fundamental transition in the evolution of life in the universe. Evolution will shortly cease to be "blind" and "random", as it has been for the past four billion years. Instead, intelligent agents are going to choose and design genotypesin anticipation oftheir likely behavioural and psycholo...
This theory, which I like the call The Darwinian Evolution of Startup Hubs, is not new and I certainly didn't come up with it. But I think it is important for everyone to understand and so I'm going to blog about it. If you study Silicon Valley, what you see is something that lo...
I have entitled this volume “Darwiniana” because the pieces republished in it either treat of the ancient doctrine of Evolution, rehabilitated and placed upon a sound scientific foundation, since and in consequence of, the publication of the “Origin of Species;” or they attempt to meet the...